Voting The Ceremony Part 3

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Clarissa POV

      "No" I woke up jolting from the bed screaming loudly, my breath ragged and harsh, my throat felt parch and I quickly examined my surroundings, I was back in my room.

    Relief filled me but another thought haunted me, I immediately scurried of my bed and ran towards the full size mirror, checking myself from head to toe, my heart gain its peace. I looked at my reflection but was scared at the girl staring me back, she had her eyes wide open with fear, she had bags under her eyes, her appearance looked rather pale that she had just seen an horror movie and I guess I did. My clothes were sticking to me like second skin as they were so wet with sweat, my hair was sticking on my face and a groan escaped me as I realized, this terrified girl was me.

     "I'm alive"

     "I'm alive" I couldn't believe my eyes and myself and squealed in happiness and even pinched myself praying this was the reality. And trust me this is the first time I'm happy about being alive.

     "Gosh! That was just a dream!" A knock on the door had me jumping on my spot and a shriek escaped me.

     "Yes" I squeaked afraid, the contents of dream were still haunting me, I could smell that on the other side of the door was Alpha Carlton, what if he has already found out the truth and is here to kill me, a gasp left my lips at that thought and my face was void of all the colors at the time.

     "Clarissa are you alright, I heard you screaming that's why I rushed up here to check on you" he asked with concern laced voice and I immediately relaxed.

     "Yes, I'm fine" I answered and quickly rushed to open the door.

     "Okay, then get ready we have to ..." His voice trailed off as I opened the door and his eyes took in my appearance making him growl and me stumble in my steps.

      "What happened to you, are you alright, you look pale and scared" he asked again with concern in his voice as he made his way into the room.

     "Is someone in here? Did someone did any harm to you?" His question piled up as he checked my room for any visible or invisible danger making me respect him more than I already do.

     "No, Alpha I'm okay and no is here" I said trying to calm him down, at my words he stopped and stood up straight looking at me awkwardly, maybe he was embarrassed to check a girls room.

   "Ahm, if you say so. But then why are you looking like just someone killed you?" He chuckled at the end and my face fell at the mention of my death as I remembered my dream.. No I'm just over reacting this is not the dream, this is the reality, pushing my scary dream I pondered over his question.

    "Umm...actually" I fidgeted with my answer and he raised his brow at that.

     "It was just a bad dream Alpha, you don't have to worry about anything. No one is here" I said in a rush, he looked confused for a second but then his stiff posture relaxed and his face contorted to that of understanding.

     "You were saying something?" As the silence was growing, I asked him about the thing that he was going to inform me about before.

     "Oh, yes, I was actually here to wake you up so that we can go back to ceremony grounds. Xavier just informed me that the results are processed and everyone is waiting for the decoration, so get moving" my heart stopped for a mere second but then started no pounding angrily in my chest ready to take off.

     "I'm waiting for you downstairs. Please get ready" he said giving me a smile but as I didn't replied and I'm sure my face was just as blank as my mind was now. He left but not before giving me a weird look, the same look which je gave me on the ceremony grounds, backstage.

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