Pain in the Ass Wolf

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Clarissa POV

      My head was pounding badly and was spinning in various directions. But wait what happened, why is everything so dark?

    "Because you are sleeping stupid" Ellie like always mocked me but why do I feel like I'm missing something and if I didn't remembered what that something was than I would be in great trouble.

      "Ellie what happened last night, I....I can't remember?" I asked her as I forced my senseless brain to recall what happened.

     "Really, you don't remember anything? I sometimes can't understand what your brain is made of."

     "NO...and instead of annoying me, tell me what happened?" I said suddenly anxious of her answer. I yanked my hair in frustration as I tried to reminisce but only one scene kept playing in my head and I'm hundred percent sure it's just a nightmare because it feels too fake to be real. Even thought I was trying to convince that what I was thinking was not real but my stupid brain was so stubborn to believe it was just a nightmare.

      "It was not a nightmare Clar" she replied in a slow voice and waited for my reaction. Well, I wanted to scream in irritation but I just looked at her with disbelief not believing her and my mind who kept saying that Mr. Purple guy was....Ajax Sylvester.

    The Ajax Sylvester, the greatest wolf in history to live for centuries, the one wolf who knows different fighting tactics and can fool anyone by changing his accent, way of talking and also language within just a blink of an eye.

      "What do you mean? No. it should be. It wasn't real. He is not Ajax Sylvester. No, he can't be, I object in believing you, you are just teasing me, aren't you?" I asked angrily not liking her games but deep down I knew it was real, what she was saying was real but I still don't want to believe it. I waited for her answer with fasten heartbeats and quickened breathing.

       "It is the truth Clar, so get up and face the reality"

     "No...." I screamed at her. Anger, shock, surprise, worry, fear, frustration, all this emotions overwhelmed at once, making it hard for me to breath.

     "Your anger and screams won't change the fact that he is Ajax Sylvester. You can't run away from the truth Clar. So, I advise you to accept it as soon as possible because it will be better for you. Besides why are you so freaked out, he is so sweet, helpful and sinfully handsome too"

    "Shut up Ellie. The person about whom you're talking and praising has no emotions. And after learning that he is the greatest invincible wolf, this new information has increased my worry to a whole new level." I gasped as I recollected the times when he would torture me and molest me. Just to get his answers he would go even to that height to physically assault me, goosebumps ran up my arms as I remembered last night's event when he was just going to rape me. He would always threaten to rape me just to make me do what he wants and the last time he almost chocked me to death.

      "No, I can't stay with him, he is dangerous and crazy, he can go to any length just to get what he wants and I can't live with such a controlling jerk. No. I don't want to live with him, my life will be in danger if I stayed" I rambled on with a panic voice, trying to make Ellie realize the risks of her decision.

      "And where will we go?" her single question was enough to shut me up.

     "Remember Clarissa, we are not on a picnic here neither are here to enjoy our vacation. We are here to train and fulfill our parent's dream and moon goddess prophecy. Besides, I think you should be thankful that we don't have to go out in the wild again to search for him" she said seriously while making me remember why I even set out my foot in this wild and dangerous place and for whom I'm doing this. But why can't she understand that rather than benefits we will be more in losses if we decided to stay here and learn from him that too after knowing that he is a sadist.

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