Plan Backfired

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Surprise! Surprise!

Clarissa POV

    My eyes widened and a shriek left my lips, my hands stopped unbuttoning his or my shirt and I quickly glanced at the direction of his voice.

    I saw him standing near the window, with his hands crossed on his chest, while he was staring out as always. His posture stiff, while his face was hidden from my view, his golden blonde shoulder length hair flowed with the wind. He was almost invisible with his black clothes on and the dim lights in the room contrasted rightly with his aura, the darkness outside and inside totally engulfed him making it hard to see him.

    I immediately buttoned up the shirt i was wearing to the top of it and covered myself with the duvet "Wh...What are you doing here?"

    "Well this is my house, my room, my floor, my window, if I won't be here then who will?" he said in his same emotionless voice, he didn't turned around but his cold voice send chills down my spine.

    I didn't answered to that and started fidgeting with my fingers as to how should I ask him, my head was covered in sweat while I was feeling uncomfortably hot. 

    "The AC is on" his words interrupted my line of thoughts and I again looked at him.

    "Huh?" I asked not remembering what he said.

    "You're sweating profusely and that is why I thought to remind you that the Ac is already on" I wanted to throw something at him for his cockiness but what confused me was how he came to know I was sweating when he didn't even turned back.

   "Thank you if you wouldn't have told me than I wouldn't have known" I said in a sarcastic tone while rolling my eyes.

    "Your welcome, tupitsa" I really want to murder him now, can I?

     "Calm down and ask him about our training, you idiot" and just like that Ellie came like a blow and cut the link before I could respond.

    "Dumbass wolf" I muttered under my breath and shook my head at her behavior but then I remembered the task I have to complete and that's how my gaze felt on him or should I say his incredibly built back. Even though he was fully clothed I could still see the outline of his bulgy muscles.

     Building up some courage and taking a deep breath to control myself from lashing at him when he would again mock me, I finally dared to bring up the topic again.

    "Umm... Mr. Sylvester I want to ask you something" at being called Mr. Sylvester I felt him stiffen which made my brows knit together in confusion, I mean it's his name, doesn't it? Than why feel surprised. But I shrugged it off and waited patiently for his reply.

   One minute passed-nothing, two minutes passed-still nothing and just like this whole five minutes passed and I still didn't get any kind of noise from his side. My patience was wearing thin and I finally glanced at him, only to find him standing still staring deep out in the woods and it didn't looked even for a minute that I've asked him something.

     I was going to open my mouth to shout at him when I summoned up the instruction which Ellie gave me , gulping harshly I sighed and drank away my anger.

     "Mr. Sylvester I want to ask you something?" I asked in a sugar coated sickly sweet voice which was dripping with venom.

    "Are you just going to repeat the same sentence again and again or even going to ask me your bloody question because unlike you I have work and I can't even tolerate being in the same room as you, so ask, I don't have all night for you" he said in a manner which practically screamed like I was the one wasting time here and not him.

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