Desires Unraveling

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What? Did you guys think I'll stop at two?
Here's a treat for you guys!

And a little warning, do not read the last part you'll hate me for this again (Hehe)


Clarissa POV

      Facing him with determination I said "I'll make you fall for me!" his eyes ever so slightly widened as his hand on my face froze and I continued bashfully "I cannot stand other women looking at you, touching you, having your heart because eventually it all belongs to me! You're mine!" I almost growled obsessively at the end as I looked at him with conviction and leaned closer to him as I said "I'll make it so that you don't forget it" and leant closer to his neck as I licked and then bit him trying to create a mark.

      I sat back up and looked down at him as I said again "You're my fiancée and this mark is a proof of it!" and leant in again to give him another mark.

     "Those women must know that you're off-limits!" and leant in again to give him another mark.

      "This mark will be a reminder of who I'm to you and who you're to me" and leant in again to give him another mark and another and another until I wasn't contented.

      Looking down at the swellings on his neck I was quite satisfied as I wiped my mouth and looked straight into his eyes, my hands gently caressing every part of his face with every word I said "You must never look at other women because your enigmatic purple eyes should always look at me. You must never kiss them because your red lips are only made for me. You must never touch them because only I can feel you and you must never give them your heart because it has only my name on it" my finger pointed at his heart as our looks entangled.

     I opened my mouth to say something more but the dizziness crept back into my mind and my hands swayed but then a hand grabbed the back of my head and I was rolled over before I could interpret and our positions reversed with him on top and me down.

      He looked down at me coldly before speaking "I never took you for a romantic person but you sure have gotten bold to say such words so shamelessly" I opened my mouth to fire back but a cold finger on my lips made me swallow my words.

      "Do you even understand the meaning of your words?" his words freezing cold as he pulled me towards him from the back of my head.

     "I do" I said earnestly but he wasn't sure of it as he scoffed and looked away.

      "Who can understand it better than me, a person who never got the chance to love her mate" his eyes grimly turned towards mine and I continued "I never got the chance to love the one I was supposed to so naturally I will cherish the one I can"

      He didn't say anything and for a moment I thought our situations were same but then I realized we were not same, he once had the love of that person but I never got the taste of any love from my mate and no matter how much I want to deny but the fact cannot be manipulated that she still has some feelings for Mr. Sylvester.

     My eyes turned down as I looked at him with a sad smile and touched his face lightly as I said "I sometimes envy Livia for having a lover like you who still holds feelings for her. As for me, my mate despised my existence but sometimes in the heat of jealousy I wonder if he was just like you, if he loved me just one part of how much you love her then what would my life be?" I exhaled heavily pondering over the same situation as always "It's an completely unknown answer but I still dream of what it would have been that way no matter how much I tell myself that it's just a dream, my part of imagination but the power of mates has made me a slave of my irrational thoughts." for the first time I admitted that I was jealous of other couples and I didn't mind if it made me look cheap but holding that toxic down was making me insane.

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