Mystery Of Purple

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Clarissa POV

       I was panting really hard, my lungs were burning, they couldn't take the extra pressure of inhaling and exhaling, my legs felt jolly and numb as they were begging me to stop. But I couldn't or they will reach me.

       Stumbling, I kept pushing myself, taking the help of the trees and the big stones, I kept moving ahead not stopping because I don't want them to find me. I was really exhausted, taking sharp breaths now and then to help myself.

      'Clar, please let me takeover the control or you will die if you keep on going' she was literally crying and it pained me to be the one making her cry. But this needs to be done and without her or she will be tired.

      'No! We can't let you take the control. I am saving you for emergency, remember' I exclaimed partly shouted at her to make her understand this thing which she was fussing about for 2 days now.

      'If this is not an emergency then please explain what is the meaning of emergency in your book, because we are in bloody danger and I don't want to die just because of your stupidity' she growled pacing back and forth in my mind, scratching sometimes.

    Her growling in my mind didn't helped me instead it increased the problems because I was too busy to hold my head in my hands that I don't noticed where I was walking.  A yelp came out of my mouth as a sharp object pierced my foot but I immediately realized my mistake and covered my mouth with both of my hands, praying that they didn't heard me, but as always luck was never on my side and...

     "Did you heard that?" I heard their sloppy voice from a distance. My eyes widened as I turned in the direction of the voice, my heart picked up its pace but I wanted it to slow down because they would track me down more fast hearing it. My hands were still on my mouth as I started to take small steps backwards when a twig snapped under my foot, shooting a round of colorful curses under my breath, but I snapped out of it when I heard their growls and the fast stomping of feet.

      Panic shot through me like a bullet and I stayed rooted to my position even though I should have turned around and ran for my dear life but my legs didn't move, they couldn't move, they were as frightened as I was.

     'Clar, what are you waiting for, Come on, run or I swear I will..' Her words faded into my mind as I was too afraid to understand what was happening. Ellie's threat didn't worked on my legs too as they stayed frozen. I was standing still, my eyes and ears focused on the direction from where I could hear their fast approaching paws.

      'Do you want to kill us?' She growled and was fighting for the control but my mind was concentrated else where. I was looking at the dark forest, it was like I was being swallowed by the large and tall tress that stood menacingly over me, intimidating me. I was engulfed by the darkness as the trees didn't let any light pass through them, but I still looked towards their direction, wetting my lips every second as my hands became cold, sweat trickled down my spine when I saw dark, blooded hooded eyes of them. They were near, very near and I could see they are hungry, hungry for my blood.

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