Celebrating Birthday Part 1

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Alpha Tyler's pic above

Clarissa POV

        This time when I woke up I am not on a ground full of grass but on a hospital bed much to my disappointment. That annoying beeping heart monitor and IV's connected to my body. I remove them but my throat feels sore so I try to get the glass of water from the bedside table but as I was about to take the glass the door swings open and in come Beta Daniel.

       "Ah! You are awake, get ready we have work to do whore" he spats and leaves.

       I try to sit up but my whole body screams pain, again I try but nothing, after so many tries finally I sit up taking the glass of water I drink it down greedily.

        Nurse Christy comes and helps me walk till the bathroom which I am grateful for as my ankle is still not completely healed.

        Christy knows me well because I come here often, injured, she doesn't harasses me like others, she is in her 40's with her mate and children. She is like a second mother to me and she always tells me that one day this all suffering will come to an end and I will be able to live happily. I wish that one day this can become true.

         I walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror to see a pale blonde looking back at me, she has bags under her silver eyes, her lips split and there is a bruise on her cheek. I don't want to look at the mirror anymore so I change from my hospital gown to my jeans and T-shirt.

        When I walk outside Christy again grabs my arm to support me and makes me sit on bed.

      "Look here dear, these are your medicines you have to take them daily to make your wolf strong so that she can help, heal you" Christy says while giving me the medicines. She is right our wolf heals us but because of not getting food we were weak so she can't help me heal.

        "Thank you Christy, anything else" I ask her

       "Yes! Get some rest and don't walk much because if you keep straining pressure on your ankle then it will get worse" she says while patting me on the shoulder.

      " I can't tell you anything about getting rest because I am sure they haven't done anything from when I was unconscious " I mutter but because of our heighten hearing she heard me

      "Oh ! Ho don't be like that and by the way Happy Birthday dear" she says while giving me a hug which I return.

       The door opens again and the beta comes storming in " Get up, lazy mutt I don't have all day for you" and off he goes

        I sigh, I say my goodbye to Christy and walks slowly as my ankle hurts when I make a movement but I still manage to go out in the parking lot.

        Beta Daniel is leaning on a shining black car I go upto him and he tells me to get inside I put my seatbelt on, he gets in his seat, puts on his seat belt and starts the car.

         When outside the pack house I remove my seat belt and walk in the pack house.

        In the hall some teenagers are casually sitting, Some watching TV and Veronica and Alpha Tyler are sucking each other faces off. They are not together because both of them know that they use each other for their needs and when they'll find their mate God knows what will happen. What will Veronica's mate will do when he'll find out that she is the pack slut and has slept with almost all the guys from the pack and Alpha Tyler's mate she will be the most unlucky one.

        When I walk more inside the pack house everyone's face turns to me and I feel nervous because I don't like attention.

        Alpha Tyler stood up and Beta Daniel walks from behind me and goes to stand besides him, I look down.

      "You failed your punishment now you will have to pay the consequences" Alpha Tyler says authority clear in his voice and adds.

        "As fixed earlier, your chores will be doubled and the beating also" he pauses
"You can now go and rest but before that you will have to finish the work which is left, enjoy this as much as you can because from tomorrow you are not getting any"

        To say I am surprised is an understatement I am shocked till core because he actually told me to rest. I nod and quickly start off to do my work so that I can get enough rest.

3 Hours Later

     It's 3 in the afternoon finally, my work is finished and I am so exhausted my ankle is also paining badly.

     I go upto my room which is actually an attic, it contains one old mattress, one table, one chair a small bathroom without a hot shower they thought that no use to waste hot water on me, seriously don't they know that its cold, my dresses are folded on the floor as there is no closest.

         As I reach my room, my mouth hangs open my room which looks always so dirty is looking good today, it is decorated with big bold letters saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ribbons, flowers there are bags on my bed.

        I squeal with joy as i forget about my exhausted body and there standing on the window with her back faced to me, my friend besides my wolf Ellie turns around with a smile which I gladly return. As I see her all my worries, pain, tension everything disappears.

        "Happy Birthday Clary" says my only one friend from the whole pack of 300 people Alexandria.

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                                                     From EQ

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