Training Without Losing

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This Chapter is about training so if you don't like to read it then it's okay but if you want then you are warm-heartedly welcomed.


Clarissa POV

       After six months of hard training Mr. Sylvester one day suddenly declared to pack up and head for something else, something different, and something new. Something like a new journey.

       Butterflies fluttered inside my stomach at his order and I was stunned the entire ride to the new place as I was both- surprised and looking forward to it.

       And so the new journey or rather JOURNEYS began.

       I was surprised at the places he took me to. They were all very different from each other plus they all taught me something new and at the same time helped me to master my already learned moves. As the difficulty level increased so does my power and senses to fight it down increased as well. Some places were extremely dangerous and the martial arts he was teaching me got complicated and difficult to conquer, my training alongside got more rougher, more harsher and crueler as it progressed.

       After getting out of the desert the first stop we made was Boreal Forest in Canada. Only by looking at the outlines of the forest it gave me chills and left my jaw hanging in mid-air. I gulped through the thick saliva stuck in my throat but if I'll let this outlines scare me that much than what will the real forest do to me and by the look on Mr. Sylvester face he isn't going to let me off the hook without torturing me in the center of the forest. I'm sure he won't be satisfied until I break a bone or two. But it's a relief that the temperature here isn't that hot.

       So here goes, my initial steps were drowsy and lacking confidence but as my resolved got stronger, my mind pushed positive thoughts and my wolf Ellie never left my side and that's how there came a firm grip in my walk as I now walked with dignity and confidence.

       And that's how my journey commenced not looking anywhere but on my journey as I didn't cared nor gave away my fear. That's how it got easier to survive the brutal and wicked moves that my trainer Mr. Cold guy had in store for me. Everyday spend here was like a new sunshine towards my future and every mistake, every failure was a stepping stone towards my path of success and strength.

       It got adventurous as well as deadly in a matter of minutes as we sprinted around the forest and checked everything we should be vary off. He thought me Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and as well as worked on my wolf. He told me that only by helping my human form won't work I'm a Were and I should be strong in both the forms and that's how his training with my wolf kicked off, if you edit the part where Ellie would get lost in his dreamy hideous eyes or drool at the sight of his fast moves then it was good if you ask me.

       He increased her strength, doubled her speed and covered-no removed her weak points. He thought her how to fight, how to take down big and large number of enemies armed or unarmed and how to disable them until I find a place to cover myself and find a strategy but he told me not to do that, I mean not to hide because that will never be needed all thanks to his hard training and even if I do that then it'll be a shame on his hard work, reputation and blah blah blah.

       He was turning her into a flawless wolf but he once said "No one is perfect and neither they will be because nobody can be perfect, they are bound to have some flaws and some good points but the world is developing at a rapid speed and it's no surprise that everyday something new is being invented or discovered which makes us to work hard so that we can keep up with the race of life. That's why nobody can ever be perfect unless they master everything and I tell you there are lots of things in this world that is yet to be invented and discovered". That was a long paragraph he spoke but with so much sincerity that he made it difficult for me to forget it, ever.

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