Useful Websites & Books

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Do not limit yourself to just this selection, there are many other websites and books out there that may suit you better. These are just a selection that I have either used or I have found out about. 


* Centre for all things related to National Novel Writing Month. Full of resources and community forums with other writers. 

* A motivational tool to force yourself past writer's block. 

* Turns your writing into a game. Earn points for writing and compare your scores to over writers. 

* Get a new picture of a cat for every 100 words you write. 

* Synonyms, rhymes, antonyms, translations etc.  

* Writing tool that suggests edits for you, and tells you the grade reading level of your writing. 

*  Writing tips for teens and adults, plus a large list of books to read.

* Quotes, recommended books, advice on writing, rules, and tips. 

*'s Digest gives advice on writing and getting published. Writer's Digest publish books, magazines, competitions, conferences and distance education materials for writers who want to polish their skills and hone their craft.


*On Writing Well-The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction by William Zinsser. 

Save the Cat- A book on structure and frame of mind, by Blake Snyder.

How to Write a Damn Good Novel- A Step-by-Step No Nonsense Guide to Dramatic Storytelling, by James N. Frey. 

* Bird by Bird- Some Instructions on Writing and Life, by Anne Lamott. 

*On Writing-A Memoir On the Craft, by Stephen King.

* Reading Like a Writer- A Guide for People Who Love Books and for Those Who Want to Write Them, by Francine Prose. 

*The Art of Spiritual Writing- How to Craft Prose That Engages and Inspires Your Readers, by Vinita Hampton Wright.

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