Ideas and Writing Prompts

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Ideas are the hardest part for some as it is what will make their story unique and stand out. Here are a few ideas which I have found, these can be used as a base guideline which you can add to and change to make your story unique. When choosing ideas it is best to choose many and combine them in order to make a good plot that will keep readers interested. Some of these are fun and quite bizarre, which I have found on various sites.

*Sharks that swim in a forest, you find yourself lost in the forest. 

*A world where knowledge is hereditary and everything your parents know is passed on to their children.

*You find yourself 10 years old again, with the knowledge that that you have gained since. You can use this to become rich and successful, however it has happened to everyone around you.

*A man receives a package in the mail from his brother who died 17 years ago.

*When you wish upon a star, you are actually wishing upon a satellite, your wish has been catalogue and recorded. An agent is signed to your case to grant your wish. Anything you wish for will be granted. What would the world be like? What if the wish was to make someone suffer?

*A high school Shakespeare club takes place. The group splits into two and can't agree on the correct interpretation of Romeo and Juliet. A person from one group falls in love with a person from the other group.

*The first time in history a robot has adopted a human child.

*An assassin that gets hired to kill a person who does not exist.

*You have been dead for 67 days. You awake to the entire world watching the first human revival, your revival. 

*The person you love has just reappeared after disappearing without a trace one year ago. Only they have aged twenty years.

*You live in a world in which you can buy bottled emotions.

*At the end of time the stars are burning out as they use up the last of their fuel. One star is left in the known Universe and everyone has gathered around it. 

*A pair of twins are born on both sides of midnight. The twin of yesterday is similar to the twin of tomorrow in all aspects, accept one.

Obviously do adapt and come up with your own.

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