Things to keep in mind

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1. You only need one idea. At first you may think you have to plan out every plot, subplot, which is fine if you can. But for most you just need one idea and the rest will come to you. By just writing with one idea you are not focused on one outcome of a scenario of your story, you can write freely and ideas can flow easily. 

2. You must absolutely, positively love that one idea. So make it a good one. If the idea is crap, the rest is likely to be crap if it is hard to write about that one particular idea. Therefore, you may want to have a broad idea. 

3. Writing takes time, thus inevitably will involve sacrifices on your behalf. 

4. Get a notebook so you can jot down any ideas that come to mind, wherever you are. 

5. Your writing is your own. Read others books, but don't feel your book has to be done the same way. 

6. Some people outline a plot. Try it. However, it doesn't work for everyone, so don't worry if you can't or don't want to. 

7. Most ideas come when you are asleep or out somewhere, thus keep a notebook on you at all times.

8. For your first book write what you would like to read. Don't worry about marketing or whether anyone will like it. Just write. 

9. Fall in love with your characters, make them personal. 

10. Learn to ride the waves. Writing isn't easy and you will have your ups and downs but, remember you will get there and the downs don't last forever. 

11. Get feedback, re-edit. 

12. Some people will like, some people will hate it. Don't fixate on the people that hate your book. Just make sure the people that love it outweigh those who don't, and then surround yourself with the ones that are on your side. 

13. Find someone you trust to bounce ideas off of. That way you get multiple perspectives and can get better ideas as well as being able to test ideas. 

14. Listen to your gut. If something sounds like it isn't working then it probably isn't.

15. There will be times you don't want to write or have no idea what to write. You have to write anyway. 

16. Take breaks away from writing. Clear your mind. This will help you feel refreshed and may even give you new ideas.

17. If you are concerned what others will think, then write under a pen name. 

18. Writing is likely to take longer than you expect. 

19. There will be times you don't think your writing is good enough. NEVER let that stop you. Keep writing. 

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