Impressive Words

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Impressive Words help to vary your vocabulary and shows a better knowledge of writing. However, use impressive words little and often and it may be necessary to add in a definition for some of the words into your story. This could be Incorporated into your story by a character who doesn't understand a particular word or just by the author writing the definition. However, use them with caution as too many can distract the reader from the plot, and could also make it harder for the reader to read or understand. 

Accolade- An award or privilege granted as an honour or as an award of merit. (n)

Acrimony- Bitterness or ill feeling. (n)

Kalon-Beauty more than skin-deep.(n)

Eunoia-A well mind, beautiful thinking.(n)

Orphic-Mysterious, entrancing and beyond ordinary understanding.(adj)

Frisson-A shiver of pleasure.(n)

Solivagant-Wandering alone.(adj)

Serendipity-Finding something good without looking for it.(n)

Psihurism-The sound of the wind through trees.(n)

Selcouth-Unfamiliar, strange, rare but, marvelous.(adj)

Druxy-Whole on the outside, rotten inside, of timber having decay.(adj)

Irenic-Promoting peace.(adj)

Concinnity-Elegance or harmony of design.(n)

Whelve-To bury something deep, to hide.(v)

Novitious-Created anew.(adj)

Dormiveglia-The space between sleeping and waking.(n)

Taarradhin-A compromise where everyone wins.(n)

Carriwitchet-A pun or riddling question.(n)

Abhor-To hate or detest.(v)

Arcane-An obscure secret only known by a few.(adj)

Callous-Harsh, cold and unfeeling.(adj)

Cajole-To urge or coax.(v)

Impudent-Casually rude.(adj)

Accismus-Feigning interest in something, while actually desiring it.(n)

Pulchritudinous- Of only people, having incredible physical beauty.(adj)

Arcadian-Innocent, untroubled by fear or worry.(adj)

Commuovere-To stir, to touch, to move to tears.(V)

Nedovtipa-Someone who can't take a hint.(n)

Paralian-One who lives by the sea.(n)

Sempiternal-Eternal, unchanging and everlasting.(adj)

Drapetomania-An overwhelming urge to run away.(n)

Eleutheromania-An intense and irresistible desire for freedom.(n)

Serein-The fine, light rain that falls from a clear sky at sunset or in the early hours of night.(n)

Pluviophile-A lover of rain, someone who finds pleasure and peace during rain.(n)

Cuckold-A man married to an unfaithful wife.(n)

Zealot-A fervent proponent of something.(n)

Decry-Criticizes someone or something.(v)

Latent-Hidden, present but, not yet revealed.(adj)

Myriad-Countless things.(adj)

Fallacious-Untrue or mistaken, wrong or false.(adj)

Pellucid-Easy to understand, completely clear.(adj)

Quagmire-A tricky situation or conflict.(n)

Surfeit-Having way too much of something.(n)

Ephemeral-Something that is short lived.(adj)

Pragmatic-A practical approach.(adj)

Belie-To give a false impression.(v)

Recidivist-Someone who keeps repeating the same crime or criminal behaviour.(n)

Posthumous-About what happens after death.(adj)

Ad hoc-Making it up as we go along, unplanned.(adj)

Garrulous-Talkative, chatty and outgoing.(adj)

Ambivalent-Being in two minds about something.(adj)

Placid-Calm, easy going and even tempered.(adj)

Astute-Having a sharp mind.(adj)

Fickle-Quick to change sides, changeable.(adj)

Laconic-Using very few words.(adj)

Vindicate-To clear someone of blame.(v)

Grandiose-Grand and large but, over exaggerated.(adj)

Minmus-Your pinkie toe.(n)

Glabella-The space between your eyebrows.(n)

Lemniscate-The infinity symbol.(n)

Zarf-Cardboard holders for coffee cups.(n)

Tines-The prongs of a fork.(n)

Dysania-The state of not wanting to get out of bed in the morning.(n)

Overmorrow-The day after tomorrow.(n)

Machiavellian- Cunning and scheming especially in politics. (adj)

Cacophony- A harsh discordant mix of sounds. (n)

Carte Blanche- Complete freedom to act as one wishes. (n)

Ostentatious- Designed to impress. Pretentious or showy display. (adj)

Junket- (Informal)an extravagant trip or celebration particularly one enjoyed by government officials at public expense. (n)

White elephant-A possession that is useless or troublesome especially one that is expensive to maintain or difficult to dispose of. (n)

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