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Think of what you are writing, who your target audience is and what type of novel it is. If you are writing fast paced action and don't want reams of pages of background, scenery and any other descriptions you can think of, then your book can be shorter than a historical fiction for adult readers or a fantasy such as Lord of the Rings which goes into depth. 

Words per page:

Depending upon the font size, font type and spacing, words per page is normally between 250-300, however that varies with genre and author's preference. 

Chapter Size:

Chapters can be however long you want them to be. However, don't over describe each and every thing that happens in your novel and don't have too little descriptions as this means your dialogue will have to be absolutely flawless as well as being able to replace the descriptions you are leaving out. 

1500 words would be about six pages manuscript, and four or five pages in a printed book. Obviously this varies according to font size, spacing and type. 

A chapter size can range from one thousand to seven thousand words, a good average is between two thousand and three thousand words. If you are writing young adult (novels like Twilight or The Fault in Our Stars) then this can  be smaller. Which means less pages in a chapter and more chapters. If you are writing technical or classical or advanced (novels like Jane Eyre) then the amount of words per chapter can increase. 

Therefore, a chapter can usually run from six to eight novel pages, or three to fourteen Microsoft Word pages, or even two to nine Wattpad pages. All depending on font size, font type, paragraphs and spacing. 

Novel Size: 

Most editors prefer size twelve font. Therefore, if you aim for 250-300 words per page, a 55,000 word book would be about 200 manuscript pages. A 100,000 word book would be about 400 manuscript pages. 

Typical mystery novels can be 60,000 to 80,000 words, whilst a thriller can be 100,000 words. 

Short stories range from 1,500 to 30,000 words. 

Novellas (a short story or a long short story) can range from 30,000 to 50,000 words. 

Novels range from 55,000 to 300,000 words. 

I wouldn't aim for the high end as books with many chapters, words, and pages (such as War and Peace) can be hard to sell. 

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