Creating Covers

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Why Covers are Important: There are millions of books in the world or on Wattpad, which means you book is like a fish in the ocean. Your book has to stand  out when put between or next to other books. Good covers give you an advantage, as no covers can struggle to attract readers.

Size of cover: Wattpads cover recommended cover size is 256X400. Many photo editing sites will allow you to re size the image, although it may say scale.

Pictures: Pictures are one of the most important things on a cover to attract readers. Good picture sites include: and These sites have many images but do check copy rights first. Or you can create your own using photo editing or painting programs. If you use key words to do with your story many pictures will come up, and pick the relevant picture. If pictures are compressed or stretched out or have excess bits that you don't want you can crop them in sites like Photoshop or Microsoft. 

Title: Make sure your title and author is in the right place that will be seen clearly by your readers. This means the whole title fits on the page and the font it large enough and not in a too elaborate style so it can be read. Most photo editing sites will let you move your title around. 

Photo editing programs: There are many online photo editing sites but, I would recommend you download Photoshop or GIMP. 

Microsoft Powerpoint is also good for arranging images, titles and fonts. 

There are also people on wattpad who offer to make people's covers for them. 

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