Speed IT UP

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Are you writing too slow? Does it take ages for you to update? Well lets speed it up. Some people may be slow typers, others may feel life just seems to get in the way. 


*Find you ideal writing place. Warm, quiet, no distractions. Or maybe outside with a view. 

*Make an effort to only concentrate on the main task at hand. 


*Come up with an idea. If you would like to you can outline, however outlining is not for everyone. Perhaps just focus on outlining a scene rather than a whole book. Just focus on one task at a time.

*Throw together different ideas and see if they work.  


*Disconnect from the internet.

*Disconnect from any distractions. 

*Avoid doing research in the middle of writing. Make notes of what sections need researching and research after you have finished writing, as you can always add it in later. 

Remove perfectionism:

*Remove the idea of perfectionism. Nothing is perfect. There will always be someone that has something negative to say about something that someone else loves. 

*Jump right in. Keep going. Don't worry about the little errors or things that don't quite feel good enough. Do a draft. Writing is a working process that involves re-editing each part a billion times until it feels right. 

Top tips:

* Let ideas flow, you can change or edit them later. 

* Stop looking for perfection. The best novels have been re-edited from front to back and back again. 

* Get knowledge on the subject. The more you know about writing and what you want to write, the easier it is to write and it will help ideas to flow to the page easier.

* Stay inspired. Read other people's work. Watch movies. Just keep your imagination and creativity going. 

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