Being a writer

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A writer, as I am sure you know, is someone who has written something or writes in a particular way. However, there is much more to a writer than putting words onto paper. Writing is an art, everyone can write, but few can write well. There will always be people who love and hate your book, and sometimes you have to get past the hate and realise your book is not meant for some. 

How to be a successful writer:

1) Read as widely as possible. This is the golden rule. This means reading from a variety of genres: Fiction, non-fiction, crime, mystery, drama, thriller, romance, fan fiction, sci-fi, classics, to name a few. Particularly read classics, although they can be hard to read and rather long they are so beautifully written and have a bold language of their own. This will enable you to understand what has worked in the past and what features in particular genres. 

2) Share your writing and ask for feedback. It is important you don't get disheartened or angry about what your critiques say, but take their criticisms and praise as a tool to the betterment of your writing.  The less you know the person, the more unbiased their feedback will be. Some feedback may be needed to discard as some people are just opinionated, and as I mentioned above your book may not be for them. 

3) As you get feedback and read a range of books, make notes of what works and what doesn't. Do whole paragraphs on descriptions bore the reader? Do successful books not always have a happy fairy-tale ending? 

4) Cut out about forty percent. Are there too many characters in your novel for the reader to focus on and for each character to develop? Then cut out or combine characters; by combining characters you will have stronger characters that can develop throughout your novel. Too many characters can also bore the reader. If you have doubt about any of your writing being necessary take it out, you will soon see that it makes your novel much more interesting. 

5) Cut out bits you love. If in doubt ask someone if it stands a place in your novel or should be cut. Some writing that you love can just be self-gratuitous and does not keep-in with the theme or the language of the book.  

6) Gain some knowledge or experience in the publishing industry in the sector you are writing for. This will enable you to see what works and what doesn't, and will enable you to see similar works to your own, and what stands out to the publisher and what doesn't. It will also allow you to know upcoming trends, your competition, what is selling now, what isn't selling. By thinking like a publisher you are more likely to appeal to one. 

7) Be prepared to explain to an agent or publisher who your audience is and what your USP (unique selling point) is. It is also important to explain why you are the only person to have written this book, why there are none like it, and how soon you are able to write another-It is important to be realistic. Don't lie as the publisher may depend on you writing a sequel by the deadline you set. 

8) Promote yourself as a writer, and develop your skills. You can do this by joining a writing group or website such as Wattpad or joining one of the groups in Wattpad that are genre specific and find one that your novel fits in. Rather than use these groups as self promotion, use them to ask questions and improve your understanding of what other readers and writers like to see in a novel. 

9) Enter writing competitions. This enables others to view your work and is a way to promote it and see what others are writing. Even if you don't win you can use it as a way to see why another novel was chosen instead of yours. Did their novel have something yours doesn't? Or did you forget to cut out some unnecessary parts? 

10) Try blogging. This is a good way to get your novel known and for people to learn your writing style, it can be used as a tool to promote your novel or just as practise in writing for a particular audience. 

Requirements for being a writer:

*You will need to be motivated.

*You will need to be able to come up with ideas that sell. 

* You need good research skills or first-hand experience in the topic you are writing about. Make sure there isn't gaps in knowledge anything that is factually true need to be 100 percent accurate. 

*You need to be able to express ideas in a style suited for your intended audience.

* You will need to have confidence in your writing and be able to accept criticism in all shapes and forms. 




*Drawing skills or graphic design skills if you wish to illustrate your writing or design the cover of your book. 

*The ability to stick to deadline and to meet them. 

* IT skills.

*The ability to market and promote your work. This can be through social media, posters, word of mouth, blogging, writing groups, competitions, writing articles for a newspaper or magazine.

*Being able to edit and correct any grammar, spelling or punctuation mistakes.  As well as carefully crafting sentences. 

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