Writing a Wattpad Guide

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When writing a how to guide split each topic into sections and then within each topic spit it into subsections. This enables readers to easily find what they are looking for without trawling through pages and pages of information. This will also lead to repeat reads and more reads as the guide will be easy to follow. People won't want to read a guide that they have to read thousands of pages of information to get to the point they want. 

Highlight and underline sections and key information. Most readers when reading a how to guide will skim through for what they are looking for. Make it easy for them to know the key points.

Avoid using text speak such as 'cos' when writing a how to guide. This comes across as unprofessional and informal and can make readers question whether you really know what you are talking about. It can often be interpreted as lazy, even if you don't mean to come across that way. 

Avoid babbling this confuses the reader and bores them immensely. 

Use a variety of layouts to make it interesting. For instance sections, lists with bullet points, shorter and longer sentences and paragraphs. 

Avoid using 'like' when it is not necessary. For instance 'like someone answer me'. Here the like is not necessary as should only be used for comparison. For instance 'the ice cream parlour was like a rainbow factory that fulfilled childhood dreams'. To work out whether the like is necessary look closely at the sentence. If the 'like' can be removed from the sentence and the sentence still makes sense then it isn't needed. 

Create a key point or summary section. This enable readers to clearly understand what is important and to re-fresh what they have already learnt. 

Carry out research. Don't just write on what you have learnt, you may have learnt wrong. Read what others have to say on different topics. 

Avoid being too opinionated. For instance some things are objectively wrong such as spelling mistakes and grammatical error, however others aren't. For instance whether to use questions in narratives is open to opinion. Avoid looking at it from one side. Write from both sides. Assess the pros and cons for using different writing techniques. If we all wrote the same it would be boring. 

Keep paragraphs short. Split them into each manageable sentences and keep to the point. 

Ask readers what they would like advice on. Focus on key errors or struggles that many writers have faced when writing. 

Explain terms and gives lots of examples. Show how to write correctly. Use easy to understand words. Big words may make you sound intelligent, but will confuse a reader who is looking for help with writing. 

Check your own errors, spelling, typos and grammar. Get someone else to check as well. Nothing is worse than writing a guide on how to write well when your writing is not up to scratch itself. 

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