Harsh, But True Advice

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1. The first draft of everything is always terrible. 

2. Never use jargon words (pretentious and uncommon vocabulary as these are the hallmarks of a pretentious arse. 

3. You can't wait for inspiration. 

4. Writing a book is a horrible, exhaustible struggle. One would not undertake such a thing if it were not for a demon driving them on. 

5. If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time or the tools to write. 

6. When someone says something is wrong or doesn't work for them they are almost always right. 

7. Writing is hard. If it seems hard, it is because it is.

8. Get through the draft as quickly as possible. It is hard to know what you are working with until you have a draft. 

9. Have the courage to write badly then re-edit over and over again until it is perfect.

10. Tell the stories that only you can tell. There will always be smarter people, better writers, people that are better at doing this or that. So focus on you. 

11. Don't take anyone's writing advice too seriously.

12. If someone tells you something is wrong and tells you how to fix it then they are almost always wrong themselves. That is unless it is a typo, spelling or grammar mistake, then they are most likely right. 

13. Ignore current trends. Write something different that only you can write. 

14. Waste no words. Give purpose to each and every word.

15. The first draft is as bad as the book is ever going to be. 

16. Feel your book with love, joy and pain. 

17. Don't give up. Take rejection on the chin. Learn from your mistakes.

18. Write because you love writing.

19. Write the book that you are desperate to read.

20. Write down every idea that you ever have, even if they are absolutely bonkers.

21. Avoid over suing exclamations marks. 

22. Make peace with the fact that in your eyes your book will never be finished or perfect. 

23. Don't compare and don't despair.

24. Write regularly. The more you practise the better you get. 

25. Just write. Turn off your inner editor and don't worry whether it is perfect or not. Complete the first draft then go back and edit it. 

26. No two writers work exactly the same. Everyone writes different. Ignore advice and rules unless it is grammar or spelling. Every time you hear a writing tip you need to thing whether it means anything to you. 

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