Getting More Followers

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Reader won't suddenly appear magically, you will have to advertise or promote your story.

 Places of promotion include the following:

*Hit list or featured list or undiscovered gems: To be in these lists your work will need to be updated regularly to gain more readers and to get your story added to more wattpadder's libraries. 

*Recommended by others: This is where followers and friends may recommend or suggest a book for you or others to read that may be their work or other wattpadders work. This helps get word of mouth of stories and gives credit to writers on wattpad. 

*Tags: Tags are links and is like hash-tagging on other social media websites. When writing your book you will notice on the right is an option to add tags of words which will make your book easier to find. For example 'Lord of the Rings' may be tagged with: lord, rings, quest, epic, king and fantasy. 

*Dedications: This is where you or others dedicate a chapter to someone or their work, this encourages that person to check out your work and also gains more followers as it encourages others to want to read your story. 

*Comment or vote on other wattpadder's work: This helps you to get noticed in the wattpad community and also presents you as a nice person as you are letting the author know you like their book. It may also get others to check your profile out. 

*Appreciate readers: By saying thank you to your readers presents you as a kind person and also encourages people to follow you or to read your work. 

*Author asks you to read it: Many people ask other wattpadders to read or comment their story. However, asking others to read your book can be considered rude if the promotion is on someone's profile or work. Make sure you promote your story in the right place. 

*Status: Update your status regularly, this will encourage people to follow you and will help to maintain followers by letting them know about your latest updates or when your next update will be and also shows kindness as you are getting to know your followers. 

*Shared to followers: You can share your story with followers by updating your status and letting followers know about your latest update. If the followers have notifications sent through their email then your update on your status if sent to followers will be sent to their email. 

*Clubs within the Wattpad community: There are many clubs within the wattpad community that consist of members who share common interests. Even if you don't promote your story in a club it is good to take part in clubs by commenting so your name gets noticed by more wattpadders. When promoting in clubs make sure you promote your story in the correct genre and promote in promotion clubs rather than clubs that are talking about a specific movie or book. When promoting in a club make sure you only pick one genre. 

If self-promotions are pinned in discussions within clubs then your story will be advertised for a week before Wattpad moderators will wipe your story off. 

*News feed: This is on your profile and on the home page that shows other wattpadder's work that Wattpad recommends you read or your follower's work or latest update that you should check out. To be in the news feed on the home page, update your book regularly. 

*Someones library: By readers adding your story to their library it means that more people can see your book as other wattpadders can go on reading libraries and look at books that other people have added and may want to add your book. 

*Promotion books: This is where someone creates a book and adds information of other's work to promote wattpadders work. They will ask for title, author. genre, rating, short description and a link in order to add you to the book of promotion. 

*Recommended on side of books you read: If you update a lot than your book is likely to be recommended on the side of other books. This is a good promotion as it grabs potential readers attention without you promoting yourself rudely on other wattpadder's profiles. 

*Posting promotions in comments on others stories: This is extremely annoying to the author of the book you are advertising your story on because the comment section is for readers to comment about that particular story. In addition it is also considered rude promoting on others work or profiles. 

*On social media: Add a promotion of your story to a Facebook page to gain more followers and to get more reads. However, with all promotion types avoid spamming people with promotions of your story. 

Key Top Tip: When writing a story split it up into many parts rather than large chapters this makes it easier for people to read as most readers prefer short chapters and means your story gets a bigger chance of more reads, votes and comments as readers can only vote on a chapter once.

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