24. I Want You to Be There

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Chapter Twenty-Four

School the next day was exactly how I expected it. People glaring and staring. Whispering and some grinning at me as if I was their idol or something. 

Jade and I avoided each other for the whole day. I didn't see her, but I was told she was in.

That day when I woke up in the morning, things that Kyle had said to me started sinking in. As if I was only hearing them now. 

'Having you not talk to me hurts so much.'

'It killed me to see you upset.'

Those words made my heart beat speed up to an unsafe rate. Why did he say that? What does he mean?

I knew exactly what those words would mean if I said them to Luke or if Luke said them to me, but considering that Kyle and I were having issues to even call ourselves friends, it didn't make sense for him to feel that way.

And yet, I felt guilty.  Not for punching Jade, no. I felt guilty because I put Kyle through all of that. Can you believe it? He told me to fuck off and yet I was the one feeling guilty. What was that boy doing to me?

So in school, I talked to him about it.  I told him I forgave him because I could tell he meant it. I apologised myself. 

The most shocking part? At that point he hugged me. He threw his arms around me and pressed me to his chest. It wasn't like the soothing hug he was giving me the night before, no. It was like a cuddle. His huge arms around me as I put my arms around his waist. At first it was weird, sure, Kyle and I laughed, fought, argued, teased but we didn't hug. And once done, this hug felt like it was something I've been needing forever. Just one genuine hug from Kyle Richards was all I needed to bring a smile on my face again.


On the last day of the week, I woke up with a smile knowing today was the day. I've been waiting for a year and the day had finally come. School wasn't on anyway due to some teachers committee shit so I could complete what I was waiting for.

I jumped out of bed and quickly got ready, putting on a White New York Tigers 86 Varsity T-Shirt and black high-waisted distressed denim shorts. I slipped on a pair of pastel and white coloured airmax's. 

I skipped downstairs and stole my mum's untouched toast. She laughed at my grin while chewed the dry toast.

"Today's the day isn't it?" She laughed.

I nodded wildly swinging on my chair. "Aren't you scared?"

Oh shit. I didn't think of that. I didn't actually realise how painful it was going to be. 

"I'd be lying if I said no." I but my lower lip.

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