27. The Three Words

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

I had missed two more days of school. When Luke called I'd pretend that I was ill. I made my voice croaky and added a cough or two in. He believed me so it was successful but I felt so bad and guilty. Guilt. It was destroying me.

Thankfully I had Casey and Layna to talk to about it. After the talk and confessions they tried everything to make me feel better. I wanted to tell my mum but I hadn't had a chance and when she asked why I wasn't attending school I'd give her the same excuse I gave Luke.

Kyle had tried to talk to me numerous times throughout the three days. When he called I didn't pick up. When knocked on my window I ignored him or pretended I wasn't in the room. When he rang the front door I told my mum to not let him in.

He was making all of this so much more difficult. And my mum was catching on.

"Sweetie, we need to talk." She said sternly, sticking her head in my room.

"Okay." I croaked. 

"Cut the act sweetheart." My eyes widened. How did she know?

"What are—?"

"You're not ill. You can't even cough realistically." She laughed making me laugh softly too. "So what is it?"

"Mum I..."

"Is it Kyle?"

"Why would you say that?" I asked.

She sat down on the end of my bed. "Because you guys seemed to be finally getting along and suddenly he's at our door every half an hour knocking furiously asking for you and pleading for me to convince you to talk to him."

I opened my mouth but couldn't say anything. "I cheated on Luke." Great Hannah. 

My mum gasped. "Define cheating please Hannah." Shit I should have expected her to take it in the wrong way.

"No mum. I mean kiss. Not sex. Kissing." I reassured her. Was I a Virgin? No. Did my mother know?  Hell to the no!

My mum sighed in relief. "I'm guessing it was with Kyle then?"

"He kissed me mum." I defended. "It was a onetime thing. It wasn't even proper kiss, we just touched lips."

My mum chuckled.  What was so funny? "Honey, breathe."

I realised I was gasping for air after my waffle.

"Did you kiss back?"

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