Chapter 1 - Transported to another world

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It hurt.
Every second, a shock of pain ran through my body.
My name is Toru Kakazu.
I'm a 5th year highschooler and right now, i'm being bullied.
As i was lying on the cold floor of the classroom, i opened my eyes a bit and looked up.
There stood the four people whom made my life hell.
The two boys who were doing the kicking were called Ono Senba and Luhan Hidei.
Both of them were musclebrains who followed the boy grinning behind them, Ryuta Leitch, everywhere.
He was the leader of their gang.
Almost everything he did was ignored because he was the son of the chairman of the school.
Loads of people admired him.
Next to the leader stood a beautiful girl, Arii Karin,wearing long black hair. She was famous in our school for always rejecting any confessions she got.
And those were many.
The only one she was happy to be around was Leitch.

Those two were the 'masterminds' behind me being bullied.
Anytime there was a spare moment, be it noon break or after school, they'd take that chance to look down on me, mock me or embarass me.
In other words, they tortured me both mentally and physically.

It's not like they had any particular reason to bully me.
I didn't stand out nor did i do anything wrong to them.
I was a really average guy, you know.
My grades.
My black hair, green eyes and rather sharp face.
A bit above average.
My slightly muscular build.
Also average.
Apparently they just liked the way i grunt when they kick me or the cold look i have on my face when they tear apart my textbooks or write insults on my desk.

I hated it.
I hated them.
Not only them who did the actual bullying but also the ones that smirk at me when the others pull 'a prank' on me and those who act innocent and behave like i don't exist.
I hate all of them.

The bell rang.
Everyone went away to sit in their seats and left me behind.
Silently i stood up, when suddenly a circle with weird patterns emitting a blueish light appeared on the classfloor.

A bright flash.
Everyone closed their eyes, some people started screaming.
Several seconds later the shocked shouts were absorbed in the loud rumbling coming from above them.
Suddenly, both the weird sounds and the flashy light disappeared and silence filled our ears.
I take my hands of my eyes and look around.

In my confusion i didn't really understand my surroundings.
I was standing in an enormous audience hall in some medieval style.
Great white pillars were standing to both my left and right side and a red carpet with silver stitchings led to a throne mad of silver? I don't know what it was made from but it looked like it was made of both silver and diamond. Weird.

On the throne sat a large man, probably over 2 meters tall, wearing clothes which looked like they were from some royal guard or something.
To his left stood two girls.
Both of them were really attractive.
The tallest wore a long, green dress and diamond jewelry and the slightly shorter one wore a weddingdress-like, blue dress also combined with diamond jewelry.
To his right stood two handsome men.
(Really what's wrong with this place filled with these extroardinary handsome people?!)
Both of them looked like knights; fully-plated guys with swords hanging on their sides.
All five of them had long silver hair
and in case of the king even a silver-coloured beard.

While observing the situation the king-like man stood up (Damn, he's tall!!) and spoke with a loud voice, probably capable of silencing a whole army at once:
"Welcome heroes, to the great kingdom of Sophetiria!
I am the 47th king of this empire.
We summoned you all here to defeat the Demon King who has been terrorizing our lands.
Therefore, i beg of you,
please help our country".

After he spoke these words he bowed his head a little and closed his eyes.
A sudden rustling could be heard from my sides.
I looked at both of my sides and noticed several hundreds of people all falling to their knees while bowing their heads.
From their looks all of them seemed to be either royalty or knight.

Leitch spoke up (Like i thought. The leader speaks first, huh.) "Euhm, since i don't know the etiquette of this country, i don't know if i'm being rude or not but can i ask some questions?"

The king looked up.
"Yes, of course, go ahead. I'll try to answer them as truthfully as possible."

"You called us heroes, right? Could you tell us what exactly you mean by that?"

"I meant exactly what i said. I'm saying that you have powers making you heroes.

"Sorry for asking, but what powers do you mean? We're just ordinary people you see?"

"All of you have received a gift when being transported here. That gift consists of skills. Since summoned people have more and stronger skills than commoners and even knights, they're called heroes."

"I see. Is it possible to know what skills you have?"

"Yes. Just say [Status] and a window- like figure will appear in front of you."

Everyone of my class looked around to see what the others did, obviously too ashamed to say [Status] and seeing as nothing happens.
Leitch had a firm look on his face and said loud and clear: [Status].
Just as we thought nothing happened, he had a surprised look on his face, as he stared into empty space.
He said: "It's true what he says. You can all say it now."
He sounded like he just saved us from some disaster.
Many people looked at him as if he had done something heroic.
Among those was Arii, slightly blushing at the sight of the grinning Leitch.
I felt disgusted.
Everywhere around me people started saying [Status].
Seeing both their stats and skills, they turned to each other and started discussing them.

"What do you think [Sword Mastery] means? Will i be able to become a pro with a sword, or what?"

"Cool. I can use magic apparently."

"Is this [Knight] class some sort of occupation?"

"Is {Spd} stat more important than {Vit} stat?"

And so on.
From what i heard, a lot of people had swordman or magician related skills and classes.
Everyone was lvl 1 and the average of their stats was approximately 75.

Slighly interested in my own values, i tried saying it.


Just as everyone had a surprised look on their face when they opened their
[Status] i had one myself.

But for a very different reason.



Author note:
In the story there are some game-related elements. Lots of them will be used in the continuation of the story,
so i'll give a short explanation here.

Stats: This indicates a numerical value of both physical and magical power.
In this story 7 different stats are used.

HP: indicates the amount of 'life' one has. When it's value reaches only 5%, one faints. At 0% one dies.

MP: Magic Power. Is needed to perform magic. One faints at 0%. Different spells use a different amount of MP.

STR: strength. Indicates physical strength. The more STR, the stronger a person.

VIT: Vitality. Indicates Physical resistance. The higher this is, the less damage one takes from physical attacks.

SPD: Speed. Doesn't really need an explanation, i guess? :)

MRES: Magic Resistance. The higher this is, the less damage one takes from magical attacks.

Skills: Some sort of way to indicate ones talents. E.g. [Sword Mastery]
When someone has this skill, one has a certain talent/aptitude for this.
Skills can either be Passive or Active.
Passive: always in effect, e.g. [Sword Mastery]
Active: Needs to be activated to have effect, e.g. [Heavenly Cut] which is a certain highpowered special attack.

Class: It can be either a job/occuation or some sort of position you have in society
E.g. [Blacksmith] is a job
[King] is a position in society

Sorry if my english looks a bit shitty,
it's not my native language. :p
I hope this [Author Note] was helpful.
(even though it's really long. Sorry :p )
Enjoy the next releases! :))

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