Chapter 5 - Silverhorn (I)

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I opened my eyes.
Dazed, I tried to remember what exactly happened.
I was betrayed and wounded, only to fall down a sh*thole.
As I recalled these events, my expression fell.
Anger filled my chest, but I suddenly realised something.
Why wasn't I dead?
The wounds I had on my body were enough to kill anyone within a couple of hours.
And after that, I fell down a pit which was most likely to be at least 10 meters deep.
Yet, I...

I didn't feel any pain.
Startled I opened my eyes.
A dim light shone upon my body, lying on my back.
All of my surroundings were black, except for a small circle right above me.
I was lying in a pit, at least 20 meters deep and the small circle was the opening in which I had fallen.
Hundreds of little stars lit the pitch black night sky, filling my eyes and calming my mind.
I settled down and regained my usual composure.
I decided I would first start to investigate my surroundings.
Since I was still lying on my back, I stood up.

I couldn't believe it.
As I was still thinking wounds were covering my entire body, I couldn't be more surprised.
All my wounds were gone.
Even the bloodstains on my clothes had dissappeared.
Stunned, I opened my [Status].


Name: Toru Kakazu
Gender: male
Age: 17
Race: human
Class: <???>
Lv: 1
HP: 19/19
MP: 17/17
STR: 11
VIT: 9
SPD: 12
MRES: 11

Skills: <???>


How was this possible?
My HP should've been depleted.
I was supposed to be dead.
Yet, I was standing here, brimming with life.

As I was reflecting on this problem, I slowly turned around, trying to grasp as broad an image of my current situation.


My foot kicked something hard and even though the sound itself wasn't really loud, it resonated through the silence.

Surprised, I looked down.
And there, next to my foot, half-buried in the earth, lay a pure white gem, radiating an enchanting aura.
Bewitched by the strange stone, I slowly crouched and took it up.

As soon as my hand reached the dim aura enveloping the gem, a sound resonated.
I didn't know where it came from, but it seemed like it came from inside my head.


[You have received the Legendary Recovery Stone's Blessing]

I heard the exact same sound immediately after that.


[Blessing did not have any effect.
HP is full]

This must be the so-called "system messages", I read about*.
These kind of messages appear when a person levels up, gains a new skill, gets a heal etc.
In the Library, I read a book dealing with the matter of otherworldly heroes. It stated that newly-summoned heroes often complained about weird ringing noises.
The book said it was some kind of adjustement disorder.

But, I, who have played lots of games before knew better.
Yet, even though I knew what the sound meant, I had never heard it before.

Still, this stone.
It was a precious gem, written about in legends.
The story said that the stone took 10.000 years to grew itself, absorbing nutrients at an astronomical level, completely exhausting the earth surrounding it.

But, to be able to discover it here when in a dying state...

Guess my luck hasn't ran out yet.

Glad with the find, I carefully placed the gem in an inside pocket of my jacket.
All the other heroes had received a magic bag, able to store up to 300 kg.
But, as the only useless hero, I didn't get that option.

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