Chapter 53 - Encampment (II)

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AN: The chapter is a bit later than I originally intended, due to me getting the flu and being in bed for almost two days straight. Still, I'm getting better again and I'll try to update at least one chapter next week as well (maybe a longer one xD)

Enjoy the chap!


Sarah's POV

I felt my arms tremble as I sat on the ground, too scared to turn around and look at him.

I was sure it was him, yet... the pressure he released was incredible. Not a single person I've met was so undeniably strong like he was.

What could've happened to Toru since we arrived here to become this way...

After a while, as people around me started to get up, I got back up on my feet as well. I shakily walked up to Lisha and hugged her tightly as she was shivering too. High-level soldiers might have a slightly better time, but both Lisha and me had next to zero battle experience, making us even more susceptible to the pressure Toru emitted.

Another ten or so minutes later, we left the encampment plaza and returned to our tent. Once seated inside, Lisha asked the questions which had been plaguing her since Toru appeared.

"Sarah, who is he?"

"He's called Toru Kakazu"

"How do you know him?"

"He was a classmate of mine"

"Why's he so strong?"

It was a question I couldn't answer. I couldn't even fathom what Toru must've been through to gain such strength. The only reference I had were my classmates, and even Leitch and Arii weren't even close to him. Yet, they had been training for days on end, barely resting and after entering the battlefield, it had gotten even worse for them.

I pitied them. They had suffered a lot. And with Toru being that much stronger...

"I don't know... I really don't know why..."

I cast my gaze to the edge of my tent where little droplets of water trickled through the slightly-ripped fabric. The slow dripping soothed my mind.

At last, I made up my mind. I had to get answers. And especially... to that one question...

Toru's POV

After following the brown-haired man, commander Gire, into the largest tent of the encampment, which seemed to be split into an office-ish compartment and a sleeping part, he started to explain the situation at the front to me and Hiruyis. As for Ilya, Maria and Aristasia, who had followed Gire as well, both Ilya and Aristasia were entertaining Maria, as neither of them had any interest for strategy.

"The section in the utmost North-West isn't too dramatic. The real problem is..."

Gire moved his finger upwards on the large, coloured map, spread out in the middle of the room.

"The upper North. We've sent almost all our strongest troops there, but the resisting force is too great for us to force a breakthrough. We were hoping it'd be there where you would enter the battlefield..."

"I see... If the Demon army loses the connection to the Northern front, our troops would be able to encircle them and exert more pressure..."

"Yes, exactly!"

Commander Gire seemed to be genuinely surprised by my discernments. It would seem most strong heroes aren't too good in strategy or planning... Luckily, as someone with no friends, I played a lot of videogames, with strategy games being my most favorite ones.

The entire meeting took almost three hours. At last, as the sky began to darken and torches were being lit all over the encampment, I had an almost complete view on the evolution of the frontlines and what needed to be done with our group.

Hiruyis, as the first son of the Bajang king, had been taught about strategy since a young age, making him a suitable commander. The fragments I didn't really understand had been explained by him.

Finally, we left Gire's tent, leaving for the one he had assigned to us. As two soldiers came to guide us to the place, I suddenly detected a familiar energy roaming around the area where we were.


I took him apart for a second.

"Take them to the tent. I'll be out for a short while."

"Yes, Master Toru"

After bowing, Hiruyis walked on as if nothing happened.

I activated [Shadow Steps], merging into the smooth darkness in between the many tents. Within seconds, I had reached the place the aura was at.

Sarah was standing all alone in the dark, nervously fumbling with her fingers. Her previously tied-up hair was now flowing down her shoulders unhindered. She was wearing a dark-green dress, which seemed to be rather chilly at night. Her legs, protected by a thin layer of stockings, were shaking a bit.

I cancelled my [Shadow Steps] Skill, appearing back again and spoke up softly.

"What are you doing here?"

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