Chapter 63 - Plans

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I'm on a holiday right now, but I managed to squeeze in some time to write this chapter. 

Hope you'll enjoy it!! 


Toru's POV

"What did you do to them?!"

I looked at the soldier who daringly spoke up, but visibly shook in fear.

"I electrocuted them, spoke to them about personal stuff and sent them to sleep"

"You killed them?"

"Obviously not, you moron. They were too tired to even function decently. I gave them some well-deserved sleep"

I walked towards Ilya, Maria and Aristasia, who were also unaware of what had happened inside the windstorm I created. Though I could see from the looks that Ilya and Aristasia gave me that they had some idea of the events inside the storm.

Not many people still stood in the center of the camp. The rain had chased most away, after some soldiers were unlucky enough to get the order to keep a vigilant eye on the situation. Now that the storm had disappeared, several people ran back to see what was happening.

The place became more and more crowded, and I didn't feel like dealing with an annoying bunch of soldiers.

"We're leaving."


Some place not too far away from the Sophetirian army camp, I found a large cave, which was fairly well-hidden. Using some basic spells, I had turned the place in a comfortable accommodation, with several rooms.

Not long after, both Hiruyis and Zent returned victoriously to my side.

"Everyone, this is Zent."

I decided to introduce him first.

"He was previously a Seven Sin Commander, but is now on our side."

Ilya, Aristasia and Hiruyis just nodded their head. Only Maria seemed to be struggling with something.

"What's wrong?"


A deep frown appeared on her small face.

"I don't like tescent. It's difficult to say..."

"Just call him whatever you want, sweet cheeks, I'm sure he won't mind."


Maria seemed to be thinking hard of a name for Zent, and she probably would be busy for a while.

I directed my attention back to the others, as Hiruyis spoke up.

"Sir Toru, what're our plans now?"

"First of all... do nothing at all."

"Do... nothing?"

Hiruyis' voice contained a lot of confusion.

"We won't do anything. It's like a vacation."

Zent seemed to be surprised as well.

"Master... could you please explain why?"

"It's easy really. We promised the Sophetirian old man to kill the demon king. That's all. We won't do anything in the meantime."

I lightly began to smile.

"Well, nothing is a big word. You know those "heroes", those beautiful little classmates of mine?"

My words were bitter, but I didn't mind at all.

"They're going to be our... gardeners."


"The plan is as followed. We won't fight the remaining demons, because it's not in the contract. We already have helped them enough by eradicating so many for them. Still, Edhen, our own city, is still newly-constituted. It's surrounded by wild flora, and because of that, a shitload of monsters. To keep our new city safe and clean of monsters, we'll accidentally bring a few of them to where the heroes will be fighting. Without a choice, they'll kill them for us.

It's much better than having to seek out every monster and holding back tremendously to not damage the area. Edhen is sustained because of the nearby flora, which is why we must protect it. So on a battlefield is much better."

"I see"

"On top of that, the "heroes" will have a lot more troubles fighting, which is great amusement. I always enjoy t-"


I suddenly got interrupted by a loud shout. I turned my head to see Maria jumping enthusiastically while holding her plushie Lala.

"What is it, love?"


Her small index finger pointed at Zent. A smile was plastered on the little girl's face, and a disbelieving frown on Zent's.


???'s POV:

"What about the heroes?"

The voice wasn't loud, but filled the entire room. Five people were present, with only one being seated. The space was dark, and oppressing, yet not one of the people, whose faces were covered by a weird mist, seemed to be influenced by it.

"They have progressed greatly, Your Majesty."

"I see... How many more days until they reach point Zero?"

"At the pace they're going, and with the current variables in play... it should be within two weeks, Your Majesty."

The seated man was visibly bothered, despite the absence of his facial expressions.

His hands, which carried exactly six rings, each one a different color, tightly gripped the armrests.

"Report on the variables"

The man's voice was icy calm, unlike his behavior.

"The variables are strong, and if deployed, will completely overwhelm us. Still, looking at their current behavior of inactivity, they don't seem like they will take action soon."

I stood straight up, not the slightest fluctuation in my monotone voice.

"And the origin?"

"The core has disappeared, and will be unable to be retrieved. The essence, however, is still enough to complete the ritual. The mining will take more time, unfortunately."


"Three weeks."

A vein appeared on the man's hand.

"Cut it to less."

"We've already cut it by two weeks, Your Highness."

"Cut it."

"... Yes, Your Majesty."

Silence permeated the room again.

"Our allies?"

A broad-shouldered woman answered.

"They are ready to move, Your Excellency."

"Even the borderline cases?"



The atmosphere silently got a bit lighter. It was an obvious sign the man was in a good mood.

"Our premature warning seemed to have no effect on the heroes. But it doesn't matter."

The man stood up. His figure, previously difficult to estimate, was extraordinarily tall. Yet, the broadness and thickness of his muscles only made him look more terrifying.

"The power of the Gods... It will be mine!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2018 ⏰

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