Chapter 46 - The Warrior, the Assassin & the Mediator

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Ugh, I'm so sad... TT

Why do I get distracted so easily?! I want to write for you guys and upload a bunch of chapters, but my concentration is almost non-existent... Like, I start writing a chapter, and after two minutes I'm philosophing about unicorn rabbits or lettuce with the same effects as weed... What's wrong with me TT. 

Anyways, this is the 2nd chapter of the week before my leave to France. From now on, there'll be 2 new chapters every week, which will be indicated at the top of each chapter (something like: Chapter 1/2 of the week) If I don't manage the quota, the necessary chapters will be added in the queue. I was also thinking about setting up a Patreon so that you can sponsor extra chapters or something (sorry, I also like money), but I'm one lazy shit, so it might take a while. Let me know what you think of the whole Patreon idea in the comments (^y^)

Home-made Quote of the Day:

You might rise high

You might fall low

But I'll be right there

Wherever you go <3 

If you want to chat sometimes; Snapchat: simonk003 (or ask for whatsapp in Wattpad chat, or just use the Wattpad chat :) )

Enjoy the chapter though!! (Chapter 2/2 (2 weeks ago), 2 chapters in queue) (That's a lot of 2)


The first person I saw was a young, blonde girl who ran at top-speed towards us. Right behind her were a slightly older black-haired girl and a grey-haired demi-human girl who were seemingly trying to stop the blonde girl from running too fast. 

All of them were followed by a small crowd of guards running to stop the other girls from sprinting. It was a truly a funny scene to behold. 

When she saw me turn around, she started screaming my name at the top of her lungs:

"Sir Toru! Sir Toru!"

"Kita, don't shout at our benefactor!"

"Kita, stop shouting! You're disgracing the benefactor!"

The little blonde girl called Kita finally went quiet when she heard the furious roars of the girls behind her, though she kept running at a speed which outpaced even the beastmen. According to [Divine Eye], she was using a movement skill called [Gale Feet]. 

Finally, the whole crowd arrived in front of us. The three girls, though they ran at the fastest pace possible awkwardly stood in front of me while the guards who had caught up with them didn't know whether or not they should apprehend the small girls.

I smiled at their indecisive looks and decided to save them:

"So, what did you call me for?"

I directed my gaze at the youngest girl who flustered when she noticed everyone was looking at her. 

"Euhm... W-we wanted to r-repay our be-benefactor..."

The girl's voice faltered a few times because of the unforeseen attention. Seeing the girl like that, the grey-haired demi-human girl tried to help:

"We wanted to meet the benefactor to offer our service as a way to pay back our debt".

"... I see"

I had already suspected as much as I vaguely recognized them.

"Then", I asked," what can you do?"

Though I'll also check using [Divine Eye], I'll see whether or not they speak the truth as some sort of small test.

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