Chapter 47 - Siracte

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Chapter 1/2 (last week)(1 chapter in queue)


Siracte's POV:

"F*ck you, filthy wh*re"


The demi-human woman was smacked to the ground when the large man's fist hit her in the face. 


I screamed at the top of my lungs. Tears started to run down my face as I hurried to my mommy's side. I desperately tried to cover mommy from the drunk man who called himself my daddy. He was not nice. He hit my mommy. I can't forgive him.

"Don't touch mommy!!"

"Scram brat!!"

He flung me aside with a casual punch to my face before he started to hit mommy again.

'Don't touch mommy... don't touch mommy... mommy is nice... don't touch mommy...'

Without knowing what to do, I ran to mommy again before being hit to the ground once more. 

'I want to protect mommy...  you can't touch mommy...'

[Your intense desire to help a family member while being weak has awakened the unique skill [Claws of the Wild]]

A strong power suddenly surged inside me. I felt so angry, felt so much hatred when it came up. The desire to kill. I didn't understand. I looked up, only to see mommy still being beaten up. I couldn't stand it. I got up and jumped forward...!! Fast!! Why was I so fast? I was sure I was faster than I used to be. Before I knew it, I stood next to the filth that was my dad. He hit my mommy. I loved mommy. He can't hit her!

I swiped my hand to his neck, using the sharp nails our tribe had to attack him. Without any resistance, my nails went through his neck. With a soft


his head fell on the ground, quickly followed by his body. Blood fell on me, but I didn't find it uncomfortable. Is that strange? 

Suddenly, the door was swung open, and familiar faces entered our house. The neighbor, the guard who always stood at the gates of the city, an elder of our tribe...

Countless people flooded inside. I was happy. They could save mommy! But none of them moved. They just stood there, staring at me. I looked down to my mommy. Her eyes were so empty... why were they so empty? Why doesn't she smile at me? Why doesn't she move?

I hugged mommy. I hoped that with that mommy would react. Would speak. Would look at me and hold me as well. Would cook me my favorite cookies again. Would read me a story before I went to bed.

The people of the village wanted to drag me off. I screamed. They let go. I screamed and screamed until my neck hurt. Tears kept flowing down since I don't know when. Mommy... she was gone. Then, I screamed again. Just one scream that held all my sorrow and sadness.

[Due to your exceptional sorrow, you have obtained the Skill [Howl of the Pained]]

[Howl of the Pained:

A howl with so much sorrow even the gods would be moved. Due to never wanting to feel such pain again, growth rate x3 ]

[This Skill is invisible to anyone and anything except the owner]


I took the necklace of mommy without anyone knowing about it. I'll keep it as a memorial.

Also, I got moved to the outskirts of the city to a new home. I think the villagers are scared of me...


I'm 12 now. The incident happened a full 3 years ago, but it still hurts whenever I think about mommy. I have trained a lot, because I didn't want any such thing to happen again. Today is the examination of the twelve-year-old children of the village. The strongest three will be able to become a warrior.


I won the examination, but I didn't feel happy. Nor did anyone else in the village. I feel alone. It's been over 2 years since someone visited me. I took care of myself. 


It's been 4 years since the examination. Though I'm a girl, I'm easily the strongest of the people of my age. 

"You're all true warriors of the tribe now. May the spirit of the Hound bless you".

Our training period is done now. We're fully fledged warriors, ready to take care of missions.


I expected it, but it still hurts. Whenever I have to go on missions, I have to do them alone. On top of that, they're always really far from the village. I think they're purposely isolating me from the rest of the tribe.


Today, I met people who were not from our tribe, but from the nearby Snow Fox tribe. I was hunting alone to not bother the guests like I was instructed by the elders, but one girl found me. She's really nice. She isn't scared of me like the villagers. We talked a lot about trivial things. It was already evening before we parted. We arranged to meet again the next day.


It's been several weeks since the Snow Fox tribe arrived, but they're leaving now. I exchanged bracelets with the Snow Fox girl who's my friend. I used up most of my savings to buy these, because they were imbedded with a communication option, so that we can speak more often.


Today, I'm on a mission really far from the village. It's over 5 days travelling. Thanks to that, the communication device on the bracelet doesn't work. It's been a quiet trip. 


I finished the mission quite early. The three devil wolves I needed to subdue were easier to beat than I originally thought. I'll be back home soon.


On my way home, I caught the smell of blood. It was very faint, like it had been removed by someone, but thanks to my strong nose, I was still able to catch it. I carefully followed the odour. About an hour later, I found the source of the scent.


This is the first time I'm doing this sort of writing with just a few fragments to sketch one's whole background... I hope it was all clear... 

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