Chapter 20 - Calluado

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We arrived at Calluado in about thirty minutes. The bandit leader had told us it should take three hours and we even walked slowly, but even so, we arrived really fast.

Calluado was a large city with about 280.000 inhabitants. It was divided into several districts and was surrounded by a large, 4 meter (13.1 ft) high stone wall. We arrived at one of the many gates to enter the city and waited in line. Every person was being checked by some sort of border guards. They were basically soldiers, so not many people dared to act against them.

After a while, it was finally our turn. The soldier, who seemed to be around his thirties, asked us for our Status plates. So we showed them and not much later, we could enter the city. Luckily, I had [Status Hide], which let me hide or alter information on Ilya's and my Status plate.

The city had quite narrow streets, with tall 3- or 4-story houses on the sides. There were a lot of people on the road and there were even carts, pulled by large horses or sometimes even small, tamed monsters, riding around. Since there wasn't a sidewalk, it was sometimes quite dangerous.

"Toru?", Ilya asked in Draconic.


"What should we do first?"

"Let's first get our adventurer card and after that, let's search for a good inn"

"Nnnn~", Ilya nodded.

After I asked an old man at the side of the road for directions, Ilya and me walked towards the Adventurer Guild. I stayed close to Ilya, because I didn't want to lose her.

When we arrived, it was clear the Adventurer Guild was one of the most important buildings in the city. It was an 8-story high building, made of expensive stones and here and there even things like marmer. When we passed the 4 meter (13.1 ft) high door, we entered a large room with several counters in front. On the left was a bar, which was now empty and to the right was a gigantic board filled with posters of quests and wanted people.

Although the streets were bustling with life, the Adventurer Guild was rather on the empty side. Looks like most adventurers were still out on quests.

Ilya and me walked towards one of the counters with a beautiful, twenty-something year old woman. She was wearing a white blouse with the adventurer guild's emblem (a sword with three stars above it) printed on it and had her hair tied in braids.

"Hello, how can I help you?", she asked.

"We'd like to register as adventurers", I answered.

"Oh, that's no problem. Would you like to hear more information while you fill out the form?", she asked as she gave me a piece of paper.

"Yes, please"

"Alright. First of all, know you'll have to pay 1 gold to enter the guild, 2 gold in your case. Would that be a problem?"

"No, that's all right", I answered and started to fill in the form.

"Well then, in the Adventurer Guild, you can give or take quests. Completing these quests can boost your rank. The lowest rank is F, then E,D,C,B,A,S and lastly SS. Every new member starts at rank F. If you can't complete the quest in time or fail it, you'll be fined. Also note, you can only accept quests of your own rank. The ranking of quests is determined by the Guild. If you complete the quest, you'll be rewarded by the one who gave out the quest"

"What if the quest is more difficult than said by the client?"

"Then you're allowed to give up on the quest, but you'll have to report to the Guild or you'll be fined. Any more questions?"

Coming to a different world- Story of the [Grim Reaper]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें