Chapter 23 - Calluado (4)

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I hope you like the chapter, sorry it took so long...
Anyway, enjoy the read!!

"How about we go for a meal?"

I asked Ilya after the innkeepster had left.

Ilya looked at me and smiled:"You first have to lay down for a while with me..."

I walked to the bed, took off my hood and laid next to Ilya, wrapping my arm around her shoulder.
She immediately hugged me tightly and laid her head on my chest.
I put her head off as well, and lightly kissed her forehead before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

When I opened my eyes again, the light coming from the window had already become orange, making the room look extremely beautiful.
Looking at Ilya by my side, I smiled and carefully got up and looked outside.

The city's main street was illuminated by the setting sun and countless of magic powered lights.
It was truly a gorgeous sight.
Suddenly, my hand was grasped by Ilya:"Want to go eating?"

I turned my head:"Sure"

We put our hoods back on and went to the dining room.
Right now, the room was filled with people, who were mostly normal humans. There were also some beastmen, but they were placed in a special corner, as if the humans were afraid of interacting with them.
I sighed mentally when I saw how demi-humans were traeted differently.

The young tiger girl who was serving some people noticed our arrival and came to great us:"Mister, Miss, please follow me to your table"
She was speaking beastman language but it was quite silent, as if she didn't want for others to know.

She led us to a table right in between the humans and the demi-humans.
It was in the middle of the dining room, but it was purposely left alone.

I didn't really mind the seating position and being a gentleman, I held back the chair for Ilya before seating myself. Ilya seemed rather pleased with my attitude, but the tiger girl looked at us in a strange way and even the surrounding people turned their heads to look to us.

Thinking it was strange, I asked the tiger girl:"What's wrong?"

The girl suddenly bowed her head and looked a bit anxious. She even changed to human language:"Sorry for being disrespectful earlier. I hope this Sir and this Miss may forgive me"

"What are you talking about?"

"Of course, it's about this Sir and this Miss being royalty, Sir. I didn't notice your royal descendance before you executed such polite manners. I seek forgiveness from the young Sir and young Miss"

What the...! I just pulled back her chair you know!! How is that even related to royalty?!?

I looked at Ilya, but she didn't seem in the least disturbed, so I decided to play along:
"It's alright, you're forgiven. Also, there's no need for you to be so anxious, we're just on a trip"

The girl looked grateful and continued:"I thank you for your benevolence, young Sir. I will inform my Master about this matter and bring you our best food, young Sir and young Miss"

With those words, the girl bowed and walked to the kitchen area.

I sat in the same position for some time, flabbergasted. I just...What's even wrong with this world? A little bit of courtesy and everyone looks at you like you're royalty.

I turned my head and asked in Draconian.
"What was that just now?"

If Ilya wouldn't have worn a cape, she surely would've smiled:
"Where you come from, this might have been rather normal, but in most empires, these seemingly normal manners are only used by royalty. Well, if we're being honest, you're basically a God, so they weren't in the least too polite"

"I guess you have a point..."

After that, we suddenly became the center of attention as both beastmen and humans started to continuously look behind them to see the two unknown royal beings.

Apparently, even eating with both a fork and a knife at the same time and holding both of them continuously while eating was also something only royalty did.

Seriously, what the h*ck?!?

After dinner, we went back up to our room.

Suddenly, when walking on the stairs, I suddenly felt a sharp gaze on my back.
I hurriedly turned around and looked towards the source, but I only saw the front door of the inn closing.
Thinking for a split moment, I decided to let the person go and followed Ilya who was pulling my hand.

???'s POV:

A man entered my view. He was wearing a long cape and hurriedly knelt down in front of me.

"What are they?"

My hoarse voice resounded loudly in the empty hall.

"This low one has investigated the subjects, and utilized every single Skill this lowly one has, but this lowly one was unable to get any knowledge from either of them.
This lowly one's abilities are unworthy, so this lowly one asks for My Lord's punishment"

I was quite disappointed, but continued:
"Anything else?"

"This lowly one has seen the subjects behaviour, and this lowly one has to conclude the subjects are from royal descendance, My Lord"

An almost unnoticeable smile formed on my lips.

"They're quite interesting", I muttered.

"Gather more information about them, but don't let them notice"

"Yes, My Lord"

With those words, the man swiftly retreated.

"Hahahaha!!! These two...I'll make them suffer!!"

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