Chapter 6 - Silverhorn (II)

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Author Note:

Just for your reference, the words "mana" and "MP" mean the same, so I'll use them both from now on.



The earth beneath me trembled.
I could hear it.
I don't see the monster as just a monster anymore.
I see it as death.
And I had accepted my fate.
Or that's what I thought.

Deep inside me, a little voice shouted I didn't want to die.
And that's the truth.
I didn't want to die.
Even after all the bullying I went through, I never wanted to die even once.
Even if I never had anyone I could share my feelings with.
Even if my parents didn't even look after me anymore and just ignored me for the most part.
Even if the whole world is against me.
I don't wanna die.

The trembling became even louder.
It filled my ears and resonated in my bones.

I don't want to die.
But even if I survive this, there isn't a single place I could go to.
Yeah, that's right, I have nowhere to go.
I immediately banned that thought from my head.
If I don't have a place to go to, I thought, I'll make one myself.
Yes, that's right!
I'll make it myself!
And if I encounter someone,
someone who doesn't want to deal with me....

Anger, sadness, loneliness...
All the emotions I suppressed for the last 4 years filled my head.

Yes,..... I'll just kill them.


I suddenly started to laugh hysterically and mumbled in between my laughter:

"I'll kill them. Hahahahahaha!!
I'll kill them!! Those bastards who let me suffer for such a long time...
I'll make them suffer! Hahahahahahaha!!! And everyone who obstructs my path, I'll kill!

I had truly lost my sanity.

In the meantime, the wolf had closed the little distance that was between us. Only a meager 6 meters was left.

Then, suddenly, my eyes which had been closed all this time, shot open.
Yet, I didn't do anything.
It was as if an external force made me do it.
And the wolf looked in these eyes...
and saw the feelings I had suppressed for such a long time.
And it trembled.
It was scared.
No, it feared for its life.
It wanted to run away, its instincts shouted it had to, but it couldn't.

When my eyes shot open, I didn't know what happened.
The wolf, threatening my life just a second ago, was standing still, trembling, with a terrified look in its eyes.

Upon seeing this scene, a broad grin appeared on my face.

"Hahahahahaha, this is great!! An enemy who's scared shit and can't do anything!!! This is great!!!"
I shouted.

I stood up and unsheathed the sword hanging on my waist.
Slowly and steadily, I walked towards the side of the wolf.
Then, I held the sword in both of my hands and aimed at its neck.

"No hard feelings", I said while grinning,"You tried to kill me, so you can't blame me for killing you, right?"

After these words, I slashed down.
But, the sword couldn't cut the hard flesh of the wolf.
I didn't care.
Again and again and again I struck its neck, all the while while laughing like a maniac.
10 times, 20, 30....
I don't remember how many times I hit it.
But when I looked down after I regained some of my senses and calmed down a bit, it was dead.
Its head was severed and a pool of blood was created.
It almost reached my shoes.
Then, a sudden wave of exhaustion fell over me.
I was able to stagger a few meters towards the passageway, but I fell down right after and lost consciousness.

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