Chapter 45 - White Fluff (2)

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With the three beasts following behind us, and with the small dragon on my head, we headed back to Edhen.

Arriving at the gates, two burly beastmen clad in a heavy metal armor stood guard at the city gates. Seems like Hiruyis had already properly started to manage the city.

When the two guards saw the huge beasts following behind us, they almost fainted. Fortunately, they quickly helped themselves back up and respectfully greeted us.

"City Lord Toru, welcome back to the city"

"Thank you. I'm happy to see you're doing a good job here as guards. Did Hiruyis already start training you?"

"Yes, City Lord. Captain Hiruyis has given us some basic training. After our shift, we will join back in as well"

"That's good"

Seeing how they still had something to say, I asked.

"Anything else?"

"Yes, City Lord. Captain Hiruyis asked us to inform you when you came back. Three girls have arrived in our city, about half an hour after you left, City Lord"

"I see. Thank you"

The two guards stepped aside, and let us pass through the gates. When walking in the streets, I was glad I had widened them. Having three giant monsters walk through them, I didn't want to imagine how much damage there would be if I hadn't rebuilt the city.

Wherever we went, beastmen respectfully bowed while greeting our party. I was glad to see they seemed to sincerely call us out. Though there was still a bit of fear in their eyes, it was only understandable after erecting an entire city in about 10 minutes, and now walking through the city with SSS-rank beasts. 

Finally, we arrived at the courtyard of my mansion. The field of short grass was big enough to house the three beasts. 

"Waaaaa~ Daddy!! That's so cool!!"

When we had just settled down the beast, a loud scream came from the mansion as Maria stormed forward. She was followed by Urie and Haki in maid uniforms as they cried out helplessly.

"Young Mistress Maria, please don't run! You have to behave well!"

"Young Mistress, please calm down! Don't run around while wearing a dress!"

Maria ran towards me wearing a long, light-blue dress, with lots of frills. Her hair was rather disordered; Urie and Haki were probably busy doing her hair.

When she reached me, she leaped up into my arms. I hurriedly walked backwards while catching the little girl to soften the impact.

"You like them?", I asked with a broad smile.

"Yes, yes, though they're not really cu- AAAAAHHHH!!"

Just as she was about to finish her sentence, she screamed out loud when the little dragon hatchling peeped at her from atop my head.


Maria's adorable screams filled the wide space in front of the house as she waved her hands to try and grab the cute dragon.

The dragon (which will temporarily be called little dragon) swiftly hid behind the back of my head, seemingly scared of the small, screaming person in front of it. (AN: Was going to write 'screaming human', but realized my mistake...)

"Maria, calm down, you're scaring it!", I sternly warned her. With lots of effort she managed to subdue her desire to hug little dragon to death and managed to just eye it with hearts pumping inside her eyes. (AN: I hope you understand this is meant metaphorically. If not, you might want to consult a psychiatrist)

Seeing she had calmed down to a certain extent, I beckoned little dragon to sit on my arm.

"Little dragon, this girl is my daughter, but she can't probably defend herself. Can you protect her?"

Of course, this was a lie. Though she didn't realize it, Maria could insta-kill most humans already. She was way too strong for her age, and so didn't need anyone to protect her. Still, dragons are proud creatures, so unless they have a worthy mission or goal, they might not want to do anything for someone else.

I continued: "She's a girl of high standing and unless a truly strong creature which is above normal existences protects her, she won't be safe"

Although little dragon was unable to speak yet, its intelligence was nothing to scoff at. It could easily comprehend most languages, so it was able to understand what I said. And just as humans, dragons like to be praised.

Hearing my praise, little dragon proudly pushed its chest forward, but contrary to its meaning, it looked way too adorable. 

"Daddy, there's a message floating here", Maria said to me in a daze.

"Just accept it"


Just when she said the word, a bright circle appeared beneath Maria and little dragon, enveloping them.  After a short period of time, the light faded and Maria suddenly laughed really brightly as she realized what just happened.

"I'm going to call you White Fluff!", she declared in a voice that didn't leave any room for negotiation.

From behind me, I could hear Elder Shin mumbling something about dragons and how they should have proper names which showed their heroic traits and other similar stuff, but I didn't care much. 

'At least she looks happy', I thought to myself, looking at Maria turning around in circles while holding White Fluff.

Leaving behind Maria so that she could keep playing, I turned towards Aristasia and Ilya:" Let's go insid-"

"Lord Toru, please wait!!"

Hearing the impatient voice that came from rather far away, I turned my head to see who called me.


AN: Sorry everyone it took so long to upload, but this and that kept popping up resulting in a lot of my time being consumed by other stuff. Recently as well, a friend of mine is feeling really down, so I'm trying to look after her and chatting with her. Hope you all understand.

Anyways, summer vacation is here!! To celebrate that, I'll try to get the upload rate to three times a week, hope it works out. Also, next week I'm going to France on holiday. I just hope there's either good wi-fi or my data doesn't run out while I'm there.

Well, see you all later on, thanks for (still) reading my story, though it's far from perfect, I hope you enjoy it!!

Lots of love, silver ;)

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