Chapter 22 - Calluado (3)

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Adam's POV:

I entered the jewelry shop Ariel's Starlight.
It was a high-class shop with jewels only affordable for rich people.
The shop was known through the entire country for its magical and non-magical items.
Unfortunately, they don't have a branch shop in the capital, so I had to come here myself.

I opened the door and walked inside.
The moment I did, the elf at the counter saw me and hurriedly bowed.
But the two people walking past me didn't.
It was the first time someone who wasn't a part of my family hadn't bowed to me.
I was shocked for a moment and when I was going to ask them about it, they had already left.

Putting the matter aside, I walked to the counter.

"It's an honour Your Highness, Prince Adam, visits our small store. I hope we can fullfil your wishes", the elf said.

"I'd like to buy the golden earrings in display for my little sister's coming of age. Can you get them?"

The elf frowned a bit and said hesitantly:"Unfortunately, I have just sold them to the people who have just left our store, Your Highness..."

What? Those earrings costed 270 Gold! Not a single person in their right mind who isn't a prince or a king would pay that price!

"May I ask about those people?"

"I'll have to say, I have minimal information about them, Your Highness. They were most certainly adventurers as you may have noticed, Your Highness, but they also didn't waver when I told them the price of the earrings. On the contrary, they didn't hesitate to immediately buy them. Also, they didn't want to fit them first and didn't put off their hoods. I'm sorry to say that this is the only information I have, Your Highness"

"No, it's enough", I answered and turned around.
"Mariel, Deïel, go to the Adventurer Guild and ask about these adventurers. Get as much information as possible"

A young girl with black hair and a tall boy with brown hair bowed deeply and left the store.

"Well then, I'd like to see what else you have got", I turned towards the elf,"I need to have an insurance gift, at least"

Toru's POV:

Ilya and me walked eastwards and finally saw a bright red board hanging unto one of the buildings on the left side of the road. A roaring tiger was pictured on it and the inn's name was printed in big, black letters: The Growling Tiger.
The building itself was almost identical to those next to it, so it didn't stand out much.

We crossed the road and entered the inn. Inside, there was a large dining room on the left, with many tables standing in an irregular form, but right now, it was empty; in front was a large, wooden staircase and to our right, there was a counter with a demi-human girl standing behind it.
She seemed to be around 15 years old and had bright red hair and tiger ears on top of her head. Underneath her throath, I saw a small dark-coloured mark, indicating the girl was a slave. Her clothes were decent though and she seemed to be well-treated.

The girl spoke in a high voice, but also had quite an accent, as if she hadn't spoken human language for long:"Hoow can I hellep you?"

Since she was having quite some difficulties with the language and it irritated me a lot, I answered in Beastman language:"If you're more comfortable speaking in beastman language, you can do so if you want to"

The girl looked at me thankfully:"Thank you very much, dear customer. How can I help you?"

"We'd like to get a room"

"How long would you like to stay?"

"Hmmm...I guess a week'll be enough?"

"Would you like for meals to be included?"

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