Chapter 39 - It's alright I guess

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I could see the king was deeply thinking about this. It was only natural. The establishment of a new country with several extremely strong warriors in it could become an enemy in the future. I decided it was best if I waited patiently. While I was standing in the middle of the hall, I said some jokes in vampiric to Maria who seemed rather bored. She laughed cutely at the end of my jokes what made the tense crowded somewhat loosen up. After a while, the king raised a question:

"For how long will you help us?"

"Until the demon king is killed"

This answer seemed to comfort him somewhat.

"And it doesn't mind which part of the country we give you, right?"

"Nope, not at all"

The king thought a little bit longer. Then, he said resolutely:

"If you're willing to sign a peace treaty, we are willing to comply"

"I guess that's reasonable"

Just like that, the negotiations came to an end. The nobles present also knew the country's problems, so there wasn't anyone who opposed the king's decision.

After that, the king brought forth a piece of parchment, which contained the main content of our deal. The land I would get was located in the part most north of the entire country. It was mainly forest and there was only one village; it housed demi-humans only. It was a part on the map most would evade, even more because it was really close to the Demon Empire and the current battlefront. 


I inwardly sneered. These guys might be glad they didn't have to take care of the piece of land anymore, but this actually perfectly fitted with my future plans.

It was already quite late in the evening when we finally exited the castle. We immediately headed to our inn and went to sleep.


Sarah's POV:

A large tent was set up at the edge of the front line. From inside, loud moans and pleas could be heard. People either begging to be saved or be killed. 

"Miss Healer, please wake up. We need your assistance."


I turned around in my blankets when I heard the voice of the girl standing at the edge of my personal tent. I didn't want to stand up, even though I couldn't sleep because of the never-ending cries of the wounded men in the tent next to mine. 

"I'll be there in a minute", I mumbled from in between the comfortable warmth of my cushion.

Apparently, the girl wasn't satisfied with my answer as she walked in with large strides and took a hold of my blankets.

"Sarah, get up now. If not, commander Gire will be mad again"

Her voice was much more relaxed and friendly right now. That was because she was the sole friend I had made since I arrived here at the front. She was responsible for my safety, as well as keeping an eye on my working progress.

I opened my eyes and saw a tall, white-haired girl with two cat ears on top of her head and red-coloured pupils.

"Lisha~... I don't wanna..."

The cat girl, who was wearing a dark-blue uniform put both her hands in her sides while saying sternly:
"Sarah, if you don't get up now, you're gonna be late!"

Hearing she was already quite stressed, I slowly got up, washed myself briefly and put on some clothes.
Then, we left for the big tent next to mine.

Inside, rows and rows of injured soldiers lay down. They had been fighting against the demons, and many were on the brink of death.

"Miss Healer, commander Gire has summoned you"

A male, robust-looking soldier reported to me hastily, before leaving. He had already started to turn around before his sentence was completed, like he didn't want to be near me.
That was the case though.

Since I don't like to converse much, most people dislike or ignore me. On top of that, my Status said I was a demi-beastman. I don't know why it appeared like that, 'cos to my knowledge, I'm quite human. I also don't have any features of a beastman, except for my eyes, which seem to be rather slitted.
But, well, people- no, that's wrong,- humans, evade and degrade me because of it though.

It's the same situation with Lisha. Although she has a sergeant rank, she's treated like a normal soldier because she's a beastman.

An additional reason why I hated to be here.

I walked to the opposite side of the large tent, towards a small office that stood in the corner of the tent; the workspace of commander Gire. Unlike the other soldiers, he didn't prejudice people because they were beastmen, so he treated me fairly well. I guess it's also because healers are scarce at the moment.

I entered the building after nodding towards the two guards stationed at the sides of the door. They didn't react at all, as expected. I entered together with Lisha and stood in front of a heavy desk.
It was littered with tens of stacks of reports, while there also seemed to be a collection of used coffee-cups on the corner.

The man behind the desk was in his late thirties, had short, black hair and grey eyes.
When commander Gire saw I had come in, he managed to put a faint smile on his tired-looking face.

"Sarah, welcome"

"Commander Gire"

Although I answered a bit stifly, I deeply respected this person. He was the only one next to Lisha who actually cared about me.

"I'm sorry to call you here all of a sudden"

"No, no, it's all right. But, may I ask why Commander Gire wanted to see me?"

He sighed at my words.

"Well, there's good news and bad news"

"Please tell us, commander"

"The bad news is that I need to let you work more. Orders from the top brass"

Seeing I wanted to refute, he quickly continued.

"As for the reason, it's mainly because we'll be preparing for a push-through in one month. Because at that time, we'll be joined by an extremely powerful adventurer group. From what I've heard, the weaker member could easily knock down second commander Arold, while the leader could easily subdue 200.000 monsters all by himself in less than 10 minutes"


Lisha cried out in shock, while even I couldn't help but be impressed.
Gire continued:

"So, Sarah, I'm sorry to ask this of you, but please bear with it"

He looked like a father concernef about his child.

"It's alright I guess..."

I vaguely answered while imagining how such powerful adventurers looked and behaved like.


So sorry for the late update!!! This thing called school keeps haunting me, so please bear with your unfilial author (┳Д┳)

Anyway, I'll try to update more, although I don't know how that'll work out....

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