Chapter 44 - White fluff

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Aaaah... done.
Took me a while, was caught up in finding new songs, so yeah....
Anyways, enjoy the chapter!

"You... you... are you a monster?!"

One of the beastmen couldn't help but shout out. Although he immediately realized his behaviour was unfit, I had already heard it. I turned my head and coldly smiled.

"Yeah, I might be"

'Yes, that's right. With this power... am I truly not a monster yet? Have I lost my personality as well. I changed so much... I wonder if someone misses me back at Earth.' A strangely sad smile surfaced on my face as I thought about my life on Earth. 'Aside from- no, they won't miss me... Guess no one will actually miss me...'

Suddenly, I felt something soft bump into me. I looked down and saw Ilya tightly hugging me while looking up.

"Miss... home?"

Because of her concern for me, she once again fell into her old habit of making incomplete sentences.

I thought about her question for a while before heavily denying it.

"No, I don't"

I lowered my head and gently kissed Ilya's forehead.

"I have everything I need right here"


Ilya responded with a smug humming sound as she kept hugging me. Then...

"Husband, how can you do something like that while you're with your servants!"

Aristasia hurriedly walked up to me before hugging me from my back.

"Without me! They might start to think I'm not as important as Ilya!"

Hearing her weird complaint, I started to loudly laugh. Finally, after a few minutes, everyone calmed down again and focused back on the main topic.

"Sooo~, Husband, are you going to give one to me? I want the Hell Mare, it's quite cute..."

I didn't really understand Aristasia's taste, since the Mare was really thin and bony, but gave in.

"Yeah, you can have it. I had already planned to give one of them to you"

"Waaah! Seriously?~ Husband is so thoughtful!", Aristasia shouted out while tightly hugging my arm.

Meanwhile, the pulling force that came from Ilya's side noticeably intensified, so I turned my head towards her.

"What about you, Ilya? Which one do you want?"

"Mmm~, Husband is so thoughtful", Ilya sarcastically replied with a pouting look on her face, before seriously thinking for a short while.

"Well, I'd like the Demon, 'cos it's cute and reminds me of you, but... can't I share one with Husband?"

"Don't worry about it, you can have the Demon", I reassured her," As for riding one together, we can just share one if you want, they're on the big side anyways"

"Nnn~, I'd like that"

"Aaaah!! Don't exclude me! I wanna ride together as well!!", Aristasia's voice came from my other side. I could hear a couple of stifled chuckles from the direction of Elder Shin when she had shouted, but well, who cares?

Suddenly, I heard a slight breathing sound coming from somewhere not too far away. When I focused more on it, I noticed the breathing was quite irregular, like it had difficulties inhaling. I hurriedly let loose of Ilya and Aristasia and ran towards the sound.

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