Chapter 3

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Nick's POV

"What the hell is happening?" I say looking around. "Its pitch black. Tim- where the hell is an exit?" I say into the ear piece.

"What the hell- I lost it. Someone is trying really hard to hack me."

"You're serious?" Mason says as he flashes his light around. "If this jerk calls the feds. Were done."

"All the doors just locked and the security alarm is going off in 30 seconds." Tim says

"Tim." CJ says panicking. "Are you insane?"

"I took the security off." Tim says and I let out a sigh. "Fuck. The door just opened." I say. "Lights on- 10 seconds. Get out the window. Now."

All of us get out the window and land in his stupid garden. Except for Liam who lands in the pool making us all laugh.

"Why me." He says getting out. "Lets get out of here."

"I can't no longer delete his security tapes. He is trying to access them. Did you guys get the shit."

"Yeah. We got it all and the chip."

"Someone tell me Liam didn't have the chip?" Mason says as Liam was soaking.

"I got it." I say looking at the rest gettinginto our cars. "Mr Bentley better pay us all." Liam says. "Your wet self just had to come and ride in my car." I say and he laughs. "Shut up Nick."

"We need to hurry up and get changed for his stupid party." I sigh. "Really playing body guards?" Cleo sighs. "I'm too pretty for this." She says. "CJ did say you can stay home."

"I have a good plan." Cleo says. "I have a really good plan."

"What is the plan?" I say looking at her as she sat next to me in the passenger seat.

"We screw over Mr oh so fancy Bentley. Take the chip and auction it off."

"What does the chip contain again?" Liam asks

"It is designs- of the whole new lines of cars from every single worth it atleast company. They are worth $4.2 billion dollars." Tim says as we walk into the house.

"Shit." Mason says

"Dude what happened to you." Tim says looking at Liam as he laughs. "Shut up and shut up." He says disappearing.

"So lets do it." Mason says smiling. "What if Bentley tries to kill us?"

"We will kill him." I say

"His enemies will come after us." CJ says. "You know the people working for the guy we stole from."

"He's got some workers. Dude, almost hacked me." Tim says

"So..." I say

"I say we take him down." CJ says. "I'm down." I say and Mason nods.

"Bad idea." Liam says as he stands infront of us. "I don't wanna get wet again."

"Shut up."

"We need to think about this?" Liam says. "We need to be fast with the bid. So that we do not have the chip on our hands anymore."

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