Chapter 20

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Desi's POV

Nick and I have been doing well since we start dating again. I could possibly burst with joy. We had no drama finally and we were doing well. Spend all the time together just sitting around chilling.

Today was the day of Omar's family dinner. I felt a little weird going. But since Nick invited me I couldn't say no. I wore a black dress that came down to my knees with long sleeves and put on my black heels. I decided to let my hair loose and wear red lipstick for this Christmas occasion. I put a full face of make up on and I have even contoured my face so this dinner better be nice. I never celebrated this holiday because of my childhood and Seattle's crew was just not up for that kind of nonsense.

''I'm ready.'' I say as Nick knocks on the door. ''One second.'' I say grabbing my purse. I open it up and take out the knife that was in there and leave it home. I didn't need that tonight.

''Hey.'' I say opening the door. ''Hi.'' He says looking at me. ''You look nice.'' He says smiling at me. I look down not being able to take a freaking compliment from him. What the hell was wrong with me? I hug him kissing his lips. ''Don't worry my lipstick is not transferrable.'' I say and he chuckles. ''I wasn't worried about that.'' He tells me as I lock my door. ''I was worried about how I would keep my hands to myself.'' He tells me making me once again blush. ''Shut up.'' I say and he chuckles taking my hand as he presses the lift button. ''You look nice too.'' I say and he chuckles. He actually wore his jeans, Vans and a black tshirt with his park coat on top. He really wasn't dressing up even for this. Still looked sexy as hell though. ''So were minimizing rude remarks or sarcastic ones to anyone tonight.'' I tell him and he nods. ''I'll try.''

''I got a buzz.'' He tells me. ''I had 2 shots with Liam.'' He tells me. ''A little early for two shots.'' I say and he chuckles. ''Its 5 o'clock somewhere.'' He says as we walk out the building. CJ and Cleo were waiting in the car. ''I am glad you didn't drive with a buzz.'' I say and he rolls his eyes. ''Hi guys.'' I say getting in the car as Nick opens the door for me.

''What's up Blu.'' CJ says as I get in the car. ''I should have taken those shots with you.'' Cleo tells Nick. ''I feel really nervous.''

''Why are you nervous? I am the one who has to deal with a senior Nick and his attitude as the father of my girlfriend and then I have Nick who is actually your brother.'' CJ says. ''Can't believe you're dragging me to this. I hate this kind of shit.'' CJ says and Nick silently agrees. I know he did too.

After singing along with the radio we get to his house. It was obviously a mansion. He did well for himself. It was the same kinda size I guess as the boys' mansion. I admire Cleo's dress who was a dark green silk dress with spagetti straps. She wore a coat over it since it was freezing in New York City. She was so stunning. CJ wore normal clothes just like Nick however he did wear a buttoned up shirt where his tattoos peaked out of. I would not say he was heavely tattood but he did have a lot of visual ones.

We ring the doorbell and wait as I stood next to Nick leaning my head against his arm. I wondered how tonight was going to fold out. I was praying that it would be a nice dinner.

''Hey you guys made it.'' Omar says opening the door. ''Yeah. Traffic.'' Cleo says. We walk inside following him in his beautiful home. It was all white marble with a golden touch. The kids must be going crazy.

''You remember Desi.'' Nick says as he shakes Nick's hand and CJ's. ''Yeah ofcourse. The investigator.'' He chuckles. ''You came to tell me about my kids.'' He says shaking my hand as well. He hugs Cleo kissing her cheek. She was way more open to a parental figure right now than Nick was.

''Come on in. Meet my wife and kids.'' He says and we follow him in to the living room. ''This is Ashley.'' He says and I look at his wife. She was a tall lady with dark hair and dark eyes. A smile was plastered on her face like she had been practising it for a few hours. ''Hello.'' She says as she greets us. She kisses all of ours cheeks and I know Nick is uncomfortable. ''This is Ayesha and Amra.'' They tell us when two girls get up from the couch. One looked like a teenager probably 14 as the other didn't look much younger. Both had dark brown hair pushed behind their ears over their shoulders as they wore pretty dresses.

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