Chapter 48

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Desi's POV

"Are you okay?" Zoe asks me and I look at her. I was beyond embarrassed I let Nick get the best of me. Especially with these people. They didn't even know us. Well they did now. I was trying hard not to let my tears run out but he really was fucking annoying. "Oh don't cry please." She says as she sits down giving me the glass of water. "I'm sorry." I sigh wiping my tears that ran down my face.

"Don't apologize." She says. "Every little thing sets him off and I'm just trying to make the best of it and he turns around and does that shit."

"You guys are like fire and gas." She says and I chuckle. "Not the first person who said that. He gets the worst out of me." I sigh. "Fucking idiot."

"I just never assumed your fights were that big..." she says. "Thats nothing. Nick angry... he breaks shit. Says the meanest things ever. Then whenI get angry its the same thing. We've had fights were its way worse. I just thought we were kind of moving on. Maturing. We take a step forward and twenty back."

"I'm sorry." Zoe says. "I'm just a little taken back with his behaviour. That wasn't right. He shouldn't put your hands on you." She tells me. "I know Nick is my son. But after everything I went through I learned that you shouldn't accept anything."

"Nick doesn't intentionally hurt me." I tell her.

"He twisted your arm and you screamed out in pain." She says softly. In the world Nick and I live in its become normal. I leave him with scratches and bruises a lot of the time.

"He's not like that. He doesn't beat me up or shit." I defend him. She really seemed upset.

My phone rings and its Cleo. "I'm outside." Cleo says. How did she even know?

"Okay." I say hanging up. Its cute how they always had my back. "Thanks Zoe. Sorry for the craziness." I say and she nods getting up hugging me.

I leave and get in Cleo's car.

"Thanks for getting me. You didn't have to come." I tell her. "Its fine. Don't worry about it."

"Wheres Nick."

"At the hospital. He punched the wall again about twenty untill his knuckles tore and he broke shit."

"Hes such an idiot." I sigh. "What even happened."

"The topic of Omar and he was like not having it. I tried telling him to just be normal and shit and he had to start anfight with me too."

"Oh Nick." She sighs. "You guys were doing so well."

"We were." It was sad to think like that. We did well and then we were back fighting.

We got in and see Nick sitting on the hospital bed with a blue cast again around his hand. "You idiot." I say looking at him. "Youre actually the biggest idiot ever." He looks up at me.

"Sorry I flipped on you." He says and I am surprised he said that. "You're saying sorry?" I say confused and he looks at Mason. Why was he looking at Mason for? I look at Mason who was nodding at Nick. "So you're his brains now?" I ask Mason.

"I'm out." Mason says laughing as he puts his arm around Cleo and they leave the room.

"I am." He says looking at me trying to figure out what he's thinking. "Thats fine. I'm done with getting involved in the drama." I say. "You will not hear anything from me anymore. No more advise. I'm taking myself out."

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