Chapter 4

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Desi's POV

Being back in New York wasn't maybe the smartest move? I mean if I could stay under the raidar and even Tim couldn't find me? I was actually pretty good at this.

Everyone thinks I'm the insane one, the villain for leaving Nick so unannounced. Mason was arrested and I could see the time ticking in Nick's head. He was slowly losing his shit but it didn't matter because so was I. People always forget that Nick and I were both from dehumanising backgrounds. I couldn't handle it. Kammy was the only I had from my old life and even she took her own life. Not that I missed the rest even though they were also taken by a member of collins crew or a member or the Adams family. When things go sour I tend to put the blame somewhere. Anywhere.

I sold the house and I moved into an apartment in Brooklyn. No bumping into Adams family or collins crew here. Seeing Nick at that party as he held that girls hand made me feel like I should come back and fix things. Seeing him with someone else was just a no. I couldn't handle it.

But now that he didn't want anything to do with me- because I lost it and left it. Didn't know how else to deal with pain anymore but to run away from it.

I head to class and bump into Tamara.

"Desi!" She screams hugging me. She stops and moves back. "You're back! You're blonde? Where have you been? You didn't even call me?" She says. She sounded upset. I didn't know my absence actually affected her? "I had to get away."

"Eh... I am back." I say not knowing what to say since she just stared at me. "I was so worried." She says shaking her head. "You could've told me you were fine. The people Luke's brothers are involved in and you it just looked suspicious. I thought we were friends." She says before walking off.

"Tamara." I say sighing. Great. Who else did I piss off? Mason told me he would basically kill me if I came near Nick. Nick's mother advised me to stay away from him as she helped me with my legal issues. She said it was healthier for the both of us.

I felt truly alone as I walked into the apartment. Kammy's voice was gone that was so happy and cheery. I sit at my kitchen counter and sigh. I just needed to move on with my life. I get into the shower, get into my pyjamas and turn the TV on.

My phone starts ringing and it was a sound I haven't heard in a while since nobody was contacting me now. "Hello." I say answering. "Hello?" I hung up and sigh. Whoever was calling me from uknown number was just breathing down the line. Was life catching up on me? The shit I did while I was gone wasnt the best ideas I had in a while but my logical thinking wasn't too good.

I order dinner and catch up on my school work before I hear a knock on the door.

"Naomi." I say opening. "So its true. You are back." She says smiling. She looked the same as two months ago. Her hair yet black and straight. High heels, skinny jeans and a leather jacket.

"I'm back." I say and she chuckles. "You wanna come in?"

"Sure." She says. "Can I have tea?" She asks and I nod. "You're currently the only company I can get." I chuckle making her tea. "Why everyone pissed you're back? I thoughts they would be delighted? Since the search. Blonde- clever. Tim was looking for brunette. "Also wore blue eye contacts for the past month. My eyes are tired." I chuckle. "I can out smart them. Worked with them for so long- I know their tricks." I say

"Were you and Nick not like engaged?" She asks. The mention of Nick jabs my heart. His cold eyes today were more than enough of an indicator how much he hates me.

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