Chapter 14

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Nick's POV

"Can you maybe tell me why we are doing this at a public place?" I ask Cleo.

"Because we do not know this man. He doesn't know us or what we are about." Cleo tells me as I sat in this restaurant next to her. "So he's supposed to meet us here?"

"Yep." She nods. "According to Blu."

"Right." I was nervous for some reason and I wouldn't mind having Desi here with me to possibly tell me it would be fine. I mean she did go through this whole mess for Cleo and I and I appreciated it. My mind travels to a short curly haired girl with brown eyes and sigh. Meghan and I have been fighting and having sex. Just like when we were younger. Haven't spoken to her since I broke her phone 3 days ago. I've been a jerk but so has she. She kissed 2 of my brothers now just to piss me off. I know I should go talk to her but I was a little busy these days with business.

"Thats him." Cleo whispers as the guy looks around. He spots us and stares at us for while. I regretted this instantly. Oh boy. Hated new people. Hated how they gave me weird looks and how they were fascinated by my thought process or disgusted. How much they were confused or pissed when I didn't understand something as soon as they did. It was hard processing emotions.

"Hello." He says. "Hi." Cleo says getting up. I get up too as pulled my arm. "You guys are Cleo and Nick right?" He asks and I nod slightly. "I'm Omar." He says a little unsure. "Can I sit down?" He asks. "Yeah sure." Cleo tells him as he sits opposite us. He kinda looked like Cleo maybe? Couldn't tell really. He was a tall guy and I could see where I got my height from.

"I don't even need to ask who is whose mother. You guys both look like your mothers its astonishing." He says. "You know your mother called me crying two months after she told me she was pregnant." He says looking at Cleo. "She told me she miscarried."

"Did she?" Cleo asks. "So you didn't know about us at all?"

"Nope. Zoë didnt tell me a word." He says clearing his throat. "Its still like a shock I have two grown ass kids." He chuckles. I wasn't finding the situation funny at all.

"So while you were dating Salma you slept with Zoë?" I ask him. He blinks a few time and looks at me. "Yeah. I was 18 and immature."

"When Salma lost the baby you didn't even check up on the woman who you impregnated?" I ask. Cleo kicks me under the table but I couldn't care less. This guy was annoying me. "Worst thing is - knowing what condition Zoë was in. You still took advantage of her. And never looked back."

"I'm impressed. Zoë did a good job raising you." He says.

"Zoë didnt raise me." I say. "And neither did Salma raise her." I tell him nodding at Cleo as I sat back in my chair.

"Zoë refused to see me. I had access to my trust fund that I was ready to blow on her to get her help. She literally refused to see me." He says. "And I didn't take advantage of her." He says staring at me. "And I don't know who you think you are talking about what I did and didn't do."

"You're full of shit and I knew it." I say looking at him. He was shocked by my attitude. "I'm out. You coming?" I ask Cleo who nods. "Let me guess. You were raised in Manhattan. Parents doctors, surgeons or lawyers. Private school and you had a family vacation every year twice." He says. He was so fucking right it pissed me off because that wasnt the whole truth about my childhood.

"Lawyers." I say. "Hit it on the nail. Why don't you guess hers too?"

"She definitely wasnt raised in New York." He says. Staring at her a little he carries on. "She doesn't have the spoiled attitude."

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