Chapter 12

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Nick's POV

Thanksgiving meal was probably the worst day of the year. I got forced to hang out with my family, eat a meal together and play stupid board games. This year it got even worse. We were going to Luke's new apartment to have it there. I mean his girlfriend was top class annoying. She was like the perfect blonde who scored A's her life and had a trust fund. It was twelve o'clock and I was laying on Meghan's bed throwing a bouncy stress ball up against the ceiling as she finished a call with her boss.

''So, I have to work on thanksgiving.'' She says sighing. ''Well I am sure your parents will be sad.'' I say and she chuckles. ''Not really they went to Bahama's.'' She says. ''They travel the world and let me take care of their business.'' She sits on my lap straddling my lap. ''You can come by Luke's if you finish early.'' I say as she kisses my lips. ''Is Desi going to be there?'' She asks me stopping the kissing. ''What?''

''You said to me she is friends with Luke and his girlfriend.''

''Right.'' I say and she stares at me. ''Babe. You need to chill out.'' I say and she rolls her eyes getting off of me. ''Luke didn't tell me that she is going to come. If she was he would have told me.'' I say feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket. I reach into my pocket and look at it. Luke send me a text message that Tamara had forced Desi to come to thanks giving dinner. Meghan didn't need to know that. ''You need to start trusting me more.'' I say putting my phone back into my pocket.

''Okay.'' She smiles. ''I wouldn't step out on you like that.'' I say sitting up. ''That is cute.''

''Let's get going.'' I say getting up before anymore cuteness happened. We leave the apartment. ''Have a nice thanksgiving.'' She smiles kissing my lips as I shut her car door and head to Luke's new apartment.

''I brought a lot of booze so I can get drunk and this dinner flies by.'' I say as Luke opens the door. ''Well happy thanksgiving to you too Nicholas.'' He says as I carry the box of alcohol with me.

''I like your new place.'' I say looking around. ''Thanks.'' He says as I walk inside. ''Hey.'' Tamara says. ''Happy thanks giving.'' She smiles. I hope she wouldn't hug me. She was so cheery it gave me a headache. I nod at her and look around. ''You guys cooked?''

''Tamara did.'' Luke says. ''She has been cooking since this morning.''

''Smells nice.'' I say. ''Where is the rest?'' I ask. ''The twins are in the living room playing video games.''

''Can I get drunk yet?'' Desi says walking into the kitchen. She spots me and looks surprised. ''Hey.'' She says and I nod at her handing her a bottle. ''Go crazy.'' I say and she smiles. ''Thanks.'' The doorbell rings and Luke excuses himself. I stand in silence with Desi and Tamara and I could tell they felt awkward. I mean, I could care less. I watched Desi open a bottle as she peeped at me through her eyelashes. ''Wine.'' Alex says walking in. ''Just needed that.''

''Hi.'' Tamara says. She hugs Alex and the brunette behind him smiles. ''This is Alex.'' Alex says introducing his girlfriend. ''Hi.'' Everyone beams at her.

''Wait no Alex and Alex jokes?'' He asks and I chuckle. ''No. way its Alex times two.'' Sophia says walking into the kitchen. ''This is Sophia.'' Alex says hugging her. ''That is Nick and Luke.'' He tells her. ''Tamara and Desi. Nick's ex.'' He says. ''Don't worry. it is not that awkward. She's friends with Luke and his girlfriend.'' He says and I hit his chest. ''Shut up maybe?'' I ask and he chuckles. ''Just messing.''

''Mom and dad aren't coming. Mason went to get Justin. Mom is stuck at work and dads not feeling well.'' Luke says and I nod. So I was stuck with these people. The kitchen was getting a little over crowded so I head to Sam in the living room with my glass of wine. ''What's up.'' I say sitting down. ''Hey Nick. You wanna play?'' He asks and I shrug taking the controller. He beats me a few times, and I beat him a few times when everyone sits around us except Tamara, Desi and their new friend the girl Alex. ''Dude whoever loses needs to pass it on.'' Luke says to Sam. ''No.'' He whines. ''One more shot. I swear I can win against him. ''Alex just give it up.'' Luke moans. It was impossible playing with everyone. ''Like, listen we can so not win this..'' Sam says nodding at me.

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