Chapter 33

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Nick's POV

"Are you guys ready?" CJ says walking into my room. "Yeah dude." I say pushing him out the room as Desi was zipping her dress back on. "What the fuck are you guys doing?" He says and I shut the door. We got a little bit carried away and Cleo and CJ were losing patience. I take Desi's hand and pull her along out the door.

"Hey. Were ready." Desi says and I look at her. Her hair was the usual curly hair. She let it loose over her shoulders of the red dress she wore with the matching red lipstick. "You look nice." Cleo says looking at us. She fixes my tie and laughs. "You guys are so nasty. You were ready an hour ago." She says and I slap her hand away. "Mind your own business." I say and she laughs. We really started to feel like siblings ever since my return and our bond started to grow whether I liked it or not. She was still my best friend but she was also my big sister now.

Mason and I were slowly losing that bond we had. It was weird because he was literally the only person that got me from young till now. I do not know what the hell was happening but we have kind of been ignoring eachother since he dropped the bomb of sleeping with Georgia to get her to get back to Naomi and ruin her. I felt some type of way but it was not devastating but he was being a douche and I cannot be bothered with the whole thing.

"So you still not talking to Mason huh?"

"It was just fucking disrespectful."

"There is something wrong with Mason. I can tell." CJ says. "Something is bothering him." Cleo tells me. I was pissed at myself for never looking at how he was after he is and was always so invested in to my health, my mental health and my relationships. I felt like a real douche.

"Stop drinking orange juice- lets go." CJ tells me and I roll my eyes. "Oh wow you guys look smart." Mason says walking in to the kitchen. "I know right- were going to Omar's parents charity event." Cleo says. "And were running late." CJ says pushing her out the kitchen. "I'll be right out." I tell Desi who looks at me.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" I ask Mason. He looks at me and nods sitting down.

"This is the part where you are supposed to express for me what I'm trying to squeeze out." I say and he chuckles

"I cannot always do that for you. Your a grown man Nick." He says.

"Okay." I say and he nods. "If you wanna get with Georgia- thats up to you and you can do whatever." I say and he shakes his head.

"No." He says. "I do not plan on getting together with Georgia." He says. "It was a one time thing."

"You're always looking out for me but I forget that you are your own person. What the hell is up with you?"

"Nothing much."

"Mason." I say frowning. "Fine. Nick. I'm pissed. I'm pissed that you decided to get up and leave. Youre 22. You are not a child anymore and you make stupid ass decisions. I'm pissed you didn't even come to talk to me and you seem to be forgetting were fucking brothers. I'm really tired too of everything. I'm tired of the nonsense with Naomi and Georgia. I'm tired of everything. Last but not least. My birth mother reached out to me... she's dying." He says throwing his arms up

"Your birth mother?" I ask shocked. How did I not know this?

"Yeah. Mom was told and she told me." He sighs. "I'm sorry."

"She was a bitch anyway." He sighs. I try to picture what it would feel like if Zoe died. I'd be sad? Especially now that were on good terms. Id be pissed and sad if we weren't. Must be how he feels like at the moment.

"I'm sorry." I say again as conforting wasnt my best suit. "You want me to stay? We can get drunk?" I ask and he chuckles. "I'm alright Nick." He says. "We will do it another day."

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