Chapter 29

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Desi's POV

I slide down on the floor in the mess I called my bedroom. Nick was like a tornado. Ruined everything and left. My windows smashed as cold air fell through. He flipped over my dresser. My make up was everywhere. Broken chair in the middle I get off the floor and get dressed. Angry, upset, hurt and confused I swore to myself no more Nick. This was so unhealthy. I couldn't do it no more... My side killed. It was all red and bruised from the fall as he threw me around. What a garbage.

I get myself into bed still just got sheets covering me. I fall asleep finally. Easy to fall asleep when you cried for hours.

"Holy shit." A voice says waking me up. Cleo stood in my room staring at the mess of Nick. Her heels clicked as she stepped through the glass. I sit up looking at her wrapping the sheets around me. "What you doing here?" I ask her.

"Nick came home with glass in his face. Woke me up to get it out. Then told me he ruined your bedroom. Came to check up on you."

I stare at the mess just picturing what he was doing. She sits down next to me and conforts me as I start crying again.

"How could he do this to me." I say sobbing. "How can I let him do this to me?" I wipe my tears after a while sighing.

"What exactly happened?"

"He was so rude and hurtful. I tried talking about what happened. He started saying I deserved it. He wanted to hurt me like I did to him."

"What a douche." She sighs.

"I don't know why I put myself through all of this."

"Good question. Why do we let guys treat us like shit?" She says and I look at her. "What do you mean? Thought CJ treated you right?"

"He can be a jerk sometimes." She says. "They all are. Men are trash." She chuckles.

"You never really talk about him." I say looking at her. "You're always here for me. But never am I wondering what's happening with you." She smiles at me and nods.

"Its not as complicated as you and Nick, the drama and the mental health issues."


"CJ sometimes thinks he owns me. Deals with me like property. I used to make decisions for myself now its all him with the are you going to be safe? I don't want you out. Don't dress this way."


"He's becoming too much."

I get up and look at her. "Wear what the hell you wanna wear. Wear whatever makes you happy. Do every mission you can and if he talks to you pull out that knife in your boots and tell him to fuck off." I tell her and she laughs getting up hugging me. "Oh I do love you." She says. "Now- who we calling to clean this mess?"

I shower get dressed and we clean the room. I get someone to fix the glass and Cleo leaves.

Being kicked out of college wasn't helping? I cannot believe my idiot self had done that on campus. My meeting was next week and untill then I was just working. I worked for Suarez sometimes. He appreciated my investigation skills. It was a little awkward explaining myself to Omar when I bumped into him. I spend a lot of time with Tamara and Luke. They were kind of my only friends.

Weird enough Ryan and I started to become friends again. He tried to get out the vacuum called Naomi that was trying to suck him in. He was one hell of a rock I could lean on when I missed Nick. I know Nick wouldn't be happy about this but I didn't care.

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