Chapter 39

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Mason's POV

"So you had a trip- with no drama?" CJ asks and I laugh. "Nothing happened. No Nick breaking shit either."

"Stop pretending like you don't ever loose your cool." Nick says and I roll my eyes as the guys laugh. "I'm gonna go do some work." He says leaving. "Laters." I say and he nods leaving.

"Nick still sleeping weird times. I think something wrong with him. Ever since he came back something is different."

"I think he's up all night fucking Blu." CJ says and I laugh. "Possible."

We go about our days back to business. Nick takes Sophia to her doctors appointments while I have dinner with the guys. The door bell rings and everyone looks at eachother. "I'll get it." I say seeing nobody got up. I grt the door and it was Blu.

"Hey." She says and I nod at her. "Nick isn't home." I tell her. "I know." She says walking in. "Came to speak to you actually."

"This isn't good news is it." I say as we stand in the hall. She chews the inside of her cheek as I wait for her to spill it out. "I think Nick is relapsing." She says.

"I knew it." I say as her worry confirmed my thoughts. "He doesn't sleep at night does he. He is always zoned out too."

"I think he's suffering from nightmares. Now that he knows what happened that night."


"Yeah. At night during that trip he was proper mumbling stuff. It wasnt too bad though."

"He doesn't sleep at all here. I see him wondering around the house at night playing video games and shit."

"Thats why he naps during the day." She says and I nod. "Thanks for letting me know. I'll speak to him." Well I wasn't sure how because he didn't have the capacity of actually realizing he was relapsing. After hell broke loose in the family I got him to sign a paper that said I could make his mental health decisions for him- which he really regrets since a year ago I got him to go check in bevause he went crazy. "We got food by the way- you can wait around for Nick."

"I know- I could smell chinese." She says following me in. "Hey what's up guys." She says sitting next to Cleo. "Haven't seen you in a while." Cleo says. "How was the trip?"

"It was actually really nice. Their family is so cute." She says. Cute wasn't a way to describe my family 3 years ago but I'll take it now. I was surprised Blu came and sat in a room with Ariel and Bella. They were just silently eating their food. "Nobody and by that I mean Nick- fought eachother. It was really weird. Sam got really drunk- he was still vomittingbthe next morning." I say

"Sophia is one to keep it down. Remember years ago before Nick send her away. She drank like two bottles of hennessy and passed out in the backyard."

"Maybe Nick should've kept her in boarding school. No pregnancy there." I mumble

"I'm glad she's pregnant though- it matured her up." Blu says. "She's gonna be a great mom."

"Do you guys ever wonder what it would be like being a parent." Cleo says.

"Are you dropping hints?" Liam asks laughing. "Shut up." She says laughing. "Liam would tell his kids to drive themselves to school." I say laughing "Id be the last one to become a parent."

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