Chapter 1

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I ran. As fast as I could, I ran. The damp forest sand, the thick bushes and dense trees didn't help but what choice did I have ? I wasn't ready to die just yet.

"I see her! That way!", I heard a voice yell.

"Oh perfect", I muttered as thunder boomed. It was about to rain and I had a long way to go.

Out of nowhere, a black mass knocked me side ways and I fell on my behind. I refrained from groaning as it hurt. Looking up, I saw that it was a palace guard. My time was up. I cursed myself mentally.

Of course they would be patrolling borders you idiot!

I had taken the wrong path in hurry and was about to pay the ultimate price for it. Soon enough, about 6 more guards burst out of the trees and I stood up.

"Got you little girl." One of them said with a sickening grin on his face. He was missing two front teeth.

"My name is Seraphina" I hissed and pulled a dagger out of my left boot. " and I am NOT a little girl."

"Feisty!" A bald guard laughed. "Do you think we should have some fun with her before we take her to the king?"

For a moment I felt immense fear but it quickly melted into rage and I stepped forward, intent on hurting him. He was tall but I could slash his chest if I jumped high enough and so I crouched. As luck would have it, a split second before my dagger could make contact with him, toothless pushed him out of the way.

"You bitch!" Bald head spat.

Great. Now I'm really going to die.

"The king wants her unharmed." Toothless was clutching his shoulder tight. I was pleased to note that he was bleeding. Bald head seemed to agree and pulled out a vial from his pocket. It was filled with a pink liquid and I recognised what it was immediately. Milk of butter pop flowers.

"Grab her" bald head ordered and two guards sprang forward. I did my best to give them a fight but I was no match for their brute strength. On top of that, I was extremely tired from running. They poured the drink down my throat and I was drowsy the next moment.

"Do you think he will reward us?" I heard one of them ask before I lost consciousness.
"She should be up any moment now my lord" I heard a woman say. I didn't open my eyes and waited.

"Excellent!" A disgusting voice replied.

I knew whom it belonged to. Nish. The man who had murdered everyone I loved. The man who had singlehandedly made sure that my life was miserable.

I didn't know what he wanted from me but I was tempted to not open my eyes. I knew that if he wanted me dead, I would've been dead. A detached part of me noted that I was still in my own clothes and was lying on a soft surface with silk sheets covering my body.

"She is awake my lord" the woman said and I barely suppressed a sigh of frustration.

"Wake up now, Seraphina" Nish chuckled. I opened my eyes and glared at him. His vile face appeared and I wondered if he was serious. He was almost 60 years old, had random patches of hair on his head and was fat enough to be mistaken for a bear.

"What do you want?" I questioned.

"You" he looked at me lecherously.

Over my dead body you rotten pig!

I bit my tongue and started to plot my escape. I was in the palace for sure which put me at a disadvantage as it was unfamiliar territory. One look out of the window told me that it was still night. I wondered how many hours had passed since I had been caught. My thoughts were interrupted by Nish's grubby finger on my cheek.

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