Chapter 9

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"I was a child when I came to Beate for the first time." Dominic began, "You were barely 4 . I was hungry...dirty...fighting for my life. My uncle had just killed the man who had been taking care of me."

"We've met before?" I sounded so calm that it was strange to my own ears.

"You caught me stealing food." He smiled as if it was a fond memory, "I was scared, so sure that you would call your parents....but you didn't."

"I don't remember." I sobbed.

"You helped me. We were noisy as children and that woke Henry up." He chuckled, "He scolded you for helping strangers, told you it was dangerous but you didn't budge. You were determined to help me and Henry gave in. I guess you've always been stubborn."

"Go on." I said softly when he paused.

"I stayed for a few days, knowing that I had to leave. I couldn't place you both in danger. You cried when I left."

I made a choking sound and Leo put a hand on my shoulder, squeezing reassuringly.

"You helped me Seraphina. You were one of the few people who showed me kindness."

"I don't remember." I repeated.

"I'm not surprised. You were very young." Dominic gave a sad smile.

Tears ran down my cheeks freely and in the back of my mind, I knew I looked like a mess but I didn't care.

"As fate would have it, I was there in Beate the day Henry died. I told you, 3 years ago I received intel that my Uncle was somewhere in the east." He said calmly, "I was curious about you, curious if you would still remember me. I knew where you lived and went to check but it was too late. By the time I reached, Henry was close to dying. I was the one who burned the house down."

All breath left my body.

"Why?" I whispered.

"Henry knew you'd go back for him. He didn't want you to see him like that." Dominic's voice took on an urgent tone, "He made me promise to take care of you. Your safety was his dying wish. I searched for days but couldn't find you."

"No..." I cried, "You were so near. I've seen you fight...Henry would've been alive.."

"I know."

"No no no" I buried my face in my hands.

"I regret not being there when you needed me the most." He sighed, "when I saw you at the palace again, I was sure it was you. Nish never told me your name but I could recognise you anywhere. You had that same sparkle in your eyes...the same innocence."

My only reaction was to look at him quizzically. I was almost guilty that I didn't remember him.

"Marrying you wasn't my intention Seraphina, but I knew there was a good reason Nish wanted it to happen. I could tell that he wanted you dead and I wasn't about to let it happen." He said, "I had an inkling about how marriages in Beate worked."

"Why would you leave yourself vulnerable like that Dominic?" I asked, "I could've died, that would've killed you as well..."

"You're wrong." He smiled, "Marriages in Beate don't make you vulnerable, they make you stronger. You can't die until I do. As long as one of us is alive, the other one can survive."

"But you didn't know I was poisoned...."

"My instincts rarely fail me." He said, "Just as they screamed at me to be in Beate that day, just as they told me to marry you. My intuition is what has allowed me to survive for so long."

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