Chapter 58

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"One would think you'd be used to this sort of a thing now." Dominic chuckled at my unease.

I rolled my eyes. It was time for dinner with the council. For the first time I was looking forward to it. I had a lot of questions. What I wasn't looking forward to was dressing up for it. I hated the fact that it was such a formal affair.

I'd decided to wear the most conservative dress available in my cupboard. It was mostly to cover my multiple wounds but also because comfort was key. Dominic had to help me get into it.

"You can just wear a shirt." He offered.

"No." I shook my head, "They need to see I'm alright, that I'm ok enough to dress up."

"You make a really good Queen, you know that?" He murmured, kissing my neck.

I stayed silent. Dominic believed that I'd handled the attack very well. He'd said it was better than some of the season planners he'd seen. It was hard to accept that compliment. I hadn't done anything on my own, it had been a team effort to say the least. Even then, there had been way too many close calls.

"Come on then." He sighed, knowing I didn't agree with him.

We began walking to the dining room in comfortable silence. I felt sore all over but it was manageable. My mind drifted to the soldiers and spies that were wounded during battle.

"How're the people ?" I asked, holding my breath.

Their numbers had been greater than expected. It was difficult for Hara and Cleo to manage everyone in the infirmary. The injured had been shifted to the great hall I had been told.

The same place I nearly died...

While I'd been reluctant to let Dominic leave me alone in the beginning, I couldn't, in good conscience, keep him from seeing his people. He'd been somber upon his return and we hadn't spoken about it.

"Most are recovering from the venom." He said carefully.

I nodded, too overwhelmed to say anything. His grip tightened on my waist.

"There is always a cost." He muttered, taking a deep breath, "Know this, everyone will be taken care of."

He meant financially. Dominic always made sure that the families of the martyrs were looked after well. It didn't bring back the dead but it was something.

"And Mira? Did you see her?" I forced myself to ask.

"I didn't." He said, "Cleo might have some answers for you."

Anxiety started bubbling in my stomach. She didn't deserve to die. So many people had met their end because of one man and his cruelty. The injustice of it all was overwhelming.

My mind drifted once more to what would've happened had Dominic not arrived when he did. As I'd later learnt, he'd left for Beate early with a small group of soldiers on an instinct. Once they'd sensed unrest near our borders he'd sped up.

"Seraphina." Dominic spoke, his firm voice snapping me out of my reverie. "We can not afford to dwell in the past. You have been through a traumatic experience but there are things that need to be done."

Part of me was angry at him for not letting me grieve and for not giving me time to process my sorrow. However, I knew he was right. The source of my sorrow were the very people that needed us to be in a healthy state of mind and perform. We needed to be there for them.

"You're right." I pecked his cheek as a thank you. Dominic knew I needed tiny doses of tough love every now and then.

Upon entering the dining hall, we were met with courtesies and a few hugs. A quick survey of the room told me that amongst the council members, Jamon and Hara were missing. The rest were here with their families. Those that had families anyway. Dahar gave me his typical sly smile and I couldn't help but return it.

The Thread Of Fateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें