Chapter 52

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There was something special about being in the middle of a crises. It never failed to bring out our true colours. It brought out the raw, the unfiltered, the deepest parts of our souls to the surface. Especially when one was trapped, with nowhere left to go and with nothing left to do but fight.

For me, it meant absolute calm. A significant amount of my life had been a matter of survival. This wasn't the first time I was staring misfortune in the face. What gave me strength this time was the fact that I wasn't alone.

The feeling was slightly addictive. There was a sense of purpose within, it was my choice to stay and defend my people. I needed to lead and not run. Whether it was for good or bad, I didn't know, but my decision was made.

It allowed me to understand Dominic at a deeper level. Perhaps this was how he felt when he was about to enter a battle. Perhaps for him too, the strange serenity and focus was addictive. I decided to ask him about it, if I ever saw him again.

The preparations began immediately. Civilians were to be protected at all costs. It was a tough choice but the council had decided it was best to separate families in terms of their safety. Children, elders and others that could not fight had been given priority and were to be kept inside the palace. I'd already ordered all important documents to be hidden in some of the smaller secret passages. There were some large hidden chambers that were to be used by civilians.

It was dangerous to assume that Nish didn't have deep knowledge about the secret passages spreading throughout the palace. I knew he had some idea because of Dominic's evil cousin, Rider. However, it was better to hide within the walls than out in the open and so it was something we were willing to risk.

Those that were younger and could provide assistance were directed towards other secure buildings throughout the capital such as the bell tower. Our resources had been distributed quickly in the event of a stakeout.

Most people had mobilised quickly and had volunteered. Some joined the nursing units, some helped with planning and distribution of food while others took care of the children. Those that had some training in combat and weaponry were sent to the army. I needed them to stay close to other civilians. They were to be our last circle of defence incase the worst happened.

Everyone was prepared and joining hands. It was more than what I'd hoped for. The people of Chant were resilient and strong.

"Tell me what to do." Ariadne had asked that evening, hobbling on one leg, her body shaking with the effort.

Maria and Dahar had tried to convince her to stay back but it had been in vain. To my surprise, Jace hadn't stopped Aria from volunteering. I'd asked him about it and his explanation made sense.

Jace knew who she was on the inside. He knew she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she didn't stand with her loved ones in tough times. He believed, stopping her from doing so was the worst thing he could do to her. Family was everything.

"I have an important task for the two of you." I'd said to them, "and I only trust you both to carry it out."

I needed them to get word out to Ralia about our situation. However, we had been surrounded and we couldn't afford to send a big party. The two of them travelling alone had the best chance of escaping without any interactions with Nish's army. We also needed every last man and woman, in Chant to fight. After some protest, they'd agreed to leave at nightfall.

I worried for them and hoped that they weren't running to their potential deaths. Ariadne was shrewd and Jace was a good fighter. Together, they could strategise and execute an escape plan. They also had deep knowledge about the land, they were our only means to alert Ralia.

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