Chapter 21

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I heard the commotion even before we reached the floor. The prison barely had three cells. Dominic said it was only used in case of emergencies.

"Where is she? I need to see her!" yelled a man.

I saw him then. He looked beaten up and my heart went out to him.

"Jace?" I questioned nervously and everyone shut up.

"Oh thank goodness you're alright Seraphina! I'm sorry it took me so long!" He stood up behind the bars.

"Everyone, out." Dominic commanded and the soldiers left, leaving only the four of us behind.

"You brute! Did you hurt her?!" Jace demanded.

"What are you doing in my kingdom?" Dominic was furious as well but their angers were projected differently. While Jace was explosive and loud, Dominic was cold and sharp. The only comparison I could think of was fire and ice.

"Stop it." I hissed at Dominic and turned to face Jace, "do you know who I am?"

"You're my sister." Jace replied immediately, "I knew you were alive. I knew it in my heart, I just knew it."

I teared up again. He looked so hopeful, I only wished that he wouldn't ask me to go to Ralia with him.

"What are we going to do now?" Leo muttered.

"My brother will come for me." Jace threatened, "Ralia will go to war for its princess."

"No." I shook my head, "you need to listen to me. Whatever Nish has said to you is a lie. He is the one that tried to kill me. Dominic has been protecting me ever since he met me."

"I have no alliance with Nish." Jace's face hardened, "he is a scoundrel."

"Let him out." Dominic sighed, "we need to sit and talk."

Leo opened the prison door and Jace stepped out, they eyed each other warily.

"Do you need someone to take a look at your wounds?" Dominic asked, tersely.

Jace shook his head, a little surprised. I fought a smile. Dominic was making an effort and I knew it was for me.

"Should I ask someone to get a room prepared?" Leo asked.

Dominic nodded, never taking his eyes off Jace.

"Did you know she was a princess when you married her?" Jace questioned.

"No he didn't." I answered on Dominic's behalf, "neither did I."

"But Nish said-"

"Nish is a lying pig." Dominic grit out, "he killed everyone she loved and tried to take my life."

"Nish killed Aunt Jenna?" Jace frowned. "How is that even possible?"

"You don't know the truth, Jace." I choked on the last word.

"Let me." Dominic muttered, "let's sit in the garden."

I sat close to Dominic and Jace watched on confused. He'd probably thought I hated Dominic or that he was a brute. The reality was something else. Dominic told Jace everything. I could tell that Jace believed him.

"It makes sense, don't you think?" I asked once Dominic was done.

"It does." Jace clenched his teeth.

"So now you know that Dominic was only trying to protect me." I explained.

"He still had no right on you." Jace glared at him.

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