Chapter 43

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"Not this again." I groaned.

"It had to happen some time." Dominic sighed.

"But it's so soon!" I complained, "and...and..."

"Now is the right time." He argued, "Hara has found a cure. There is no point in waiting."

"I'm coming with you." I frowned.

"Absolutely not." He answered without a moment's hesitation.

The day before, we'd received a letter from Hara stating that while she couldn't find an antidote, with Ralia's help she had managed to find a cure to the poisons Deskans used.

It was all Dominic had been waiting for. He wanted to attack the south as soon as possible. Unsurprisingly enough, Leo had agreed. Jace had been reluctant but he believed it could be done.

I thought it was too rash.

"Either you take me with you or you're not going." I informed.

"I'm not taking you into a war zone. Don't be stupid."

"So what? Am I just supposed to wait here and enjoy while you risk your life ?" I questioned, "that isn't happening, Dominic."

"I won't risk your life." He was adamant.

"May I suggest something ?" Jace interrupted, reminding us that we weren't alone. We were in the meeting room with him and Leo.

"Please do." Dominic sounded exasperated.

"What if I took you to Ralia?" Jace asked me.

"You want me to go on a trip while these two are fighting a war?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Have you seen a war?" Jace asked, his voice stern.

"That doesn't-"

"You haven't." He interrupted. "Do you know what happens in a war? It takes a second, only a second and your life is finished. Having you safe and sound in the palace is the only way Dominic can focus."


"It is the best thing you can do Seraphina." Jace cut me off once more, "I know you think that it is selfish to enjoy while he is risking his life but it isn't. Staying safe is the most selfless thing you can do."

I didn't like it one bit. Staying away from Dominic and not knowing whether he was alive or dead was going to be torture.

"If you stay here, you'll only worry." Jace said, "I will take you to Ralia before joining them. You can use this time to learn more about Aunt Jenna."

"And who will look after the capital with you two gone?" I asked Leo.

"We have ministers for that." Leo answered, "You don't have to worry. We've been to wars before. They are used to looking after the kingdom in Dominic's absence."

I nodded.

"And how long will it take ?" I sighed.

"We need to take care of three more kingdoms before we attack Deska." Dominic said, "I won't stop till Nish is dead. It might take a couple of months."

"Fine." I muttered. "When do you leave?"

"In a couple of days." He answered.

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