Chapter 17

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"Why are you smiling ?" Ariadne asked as we made our way to Maria.

"Oh nothing." I lied. In truth, I'd been thinking about Dominic, his words echoing in my mind.

It's not. One sided. I thought that much was obvious by now.

He had been particularly sweet in the morning. He'd woken me up and wished goodbye before he left for his daily meeting. He had also promised that he would have lunch with me and couldn't wait to get his work done and over with.

"If you say so." Ariadne shrugged, "You know what they say about people who smile without a reason."

"Give it up." I laughed, "I'm still not telling you."

"It's him, isn't it?" She teased.

"Hara! There you are."

I rushed towards her just as she stepped out of the room. She had perfect timing. I didn't want to tell Ariadne. Even though I adored her, it was too soon.

"Your highness." She nodded.

"How is she ?" I asked.

"She is awake." Hara smiled gently, "my grandchildren are checking for infections."

I nodded and walked in before Ariadne could catch me alone. Like the day before, a girl and a boy were fussing over Maria. Both of them greeted me with bright smiles.

"You should heal nicely within a week." The girl commented, "Hand me the bandages brother."

The boy handed her the bandages. He seemed to be younger than the girl. She looked to be my age. 

"Sera..." Maria croaked when she noticed me. She looked awful. Too washed out and fragile.

"Thank you." I whispered, "and I'm sorry. If I hadn't come to your house-"

"Don't." She frowned, "It was my mistake. I wanted to show off in front of Leo. I was too rash."

"So you like him ?" I smiled.

"It's the only reason he is alive." She chuckled. "You done Ferra?"

"Almost." The girl answered, wrapping the bandage around the wound.

"Why didn't anyone tell me she's awake?!" Leo bellowed, running towards the bed Maria was on.

"Well, he has lost his mind." Ariadne followed at a lazy pace. I snickered as he practically pushed Ferra out of the way to hug Maria.

"Leo." Maria was shocked at his display of affection. To her surprise, he caught her chin and placed a kiss on her lips.

Ferra cleared her throat, looking extremely annoyed. That's when Leo stepped back and let her continue wrapping up the wound. Maria, for once, looked absolutely speechless. A blush made its way to her cheeks as she gasped at Leo open mouthed.

"Leo..." Maria spoke finally.

"Not this time Maria." Leo groaned, "I'm not taking no for an answer this time."

"So you're saying you'll force me into being courted ?" She scowled.

"Forcing implies that one party doesn't want it." He fixed her with his gaze.

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