Chapter 41

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"Why are you so surprised?" He asked me.

I opened my mouth and shut it. I didn't have an answer. Instead, there were tons of questions revolving in my mind.

How could I be a mother? What kind of a mother could I possibly be? What would it be? A boy? A girl? What did Dominic want? What if it wasn't healthy? What if something went wrong?

There were those questions which were due to lack of experience and then there were those that were for an altogether different reason.

How would I protect it? What if Nish found out? What if they tried to hurt the child?

It wasn't beyond Nish to try and destroy a child's life. The world was a cruel place. Neither Dominic nor I had had a normal childhood. While I'd known what parental love was, Dominic's childhood had mostly been devoid of any real connections.

Regardless, we'd both spent considerable amount of time running away and hiding. That hadn't given me any opportunities to deal with children apart from superficial interactions.

With that lack of experience came paranoia. I didn't want to hurt a child, even if it was unintentional. I didn't even know what food was right for a child or for a mother to be.

"She isn't sure yet." He said, "we will know more in a few days."

"Yes." I muttered, completely dazed. "Alright."

"It will be fine." He said, hugging me. "Whatever happens, we will be fine."

"I can't even imagine being a mother right now." I whispered, struggling to hold back my emotions.

"And you probably won't be. It is just a possibility." He sighed, "I should've been more careful. I'll be more careful."

"This is not on you. We should both have been careful." I stepped back with a frown. How typical of him to blame himself. "When will we know for sure?"

"In a couple of days." He said before chuckling. "I'm assuming you want to sleep?"

"Ha ha." I rolled my eyes at his silly joke. My mind drifted back to the possibility of becoming a mother. Never had I thought that I'd be capable of doing so.

"It will be fine." He repeated, "now come on. Let's get you to bed."

I gave a nod and he shifted. Putting an arm around my waist, we strolled back to the room.

"What do you think about all this?" I asked after a while.

He gave a shrug in return.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I frowned, "a baby alters lives."

"We aren't sure yet." He insisted.

"But what if I am pregnant ?" I questioned.

"It is a hypothetical situation." He answered, "why should we talk about something that might not even happen ?"

"That's mighty convenient." I said, "when we're discussing battle strategies, you're much more open to suggestions and possibilities."

"That is a matter of life and death." He said.

"You're just making excuses now." I pointed out, "are you going to be like this even when the child comes along?"

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